Posted this one two years ago, but worth doing again: Many think of U2 on New Year’s Day — including us at Slicing Up Eyeballs HQ. But not for the obvious reason (uh, “New Year’s Day”). No, the clock striking midnight on New Year’s Eve always reminds us one most heavily bootlegged concerts of the era, when U2 rang in the 1990s at Dublin’s Point Depot in a show broadcast live across Europe and behind the crumbling Iron Curtain.
Here’s the opening of that concert, still a spine-tingling moment. As Bono famously intones, “Here she comes… the future. Happy Christmas and happy New Year to you all… It’s 1990… forget about the past, we’re gonna celebrate the future… where the streets have no name.”
One of my all-time favorite versions of “Streets.” Doesn’t get much better than this. “Here she comes… the future! Thanks for sharing.