Contests — October 16, 2019 at 8:37 am

Contest: Win The Cure’s ‘40 Live’ deluxe box set plus an autographed ‘Anniversary’ poster

This Friday marks the release of The Cure’s new audio/video box set 40 Live: Curaetion-25 + Anniversary, and we’re thrilled to be able to give away a deluxe 2DVD/4CD edition of the collection plus an autographed poster to one lucky Slicing Up Eyeballs reader.

Eagle Rock Entertainment has been kind enough to provide us with not only a copy of the box set — which includes full audio and video of the Tim Pope-directed “Anniversary” concert film and the group’s 2018 Meltdown festival set — as well as a poster for last summer’s theatrical release of “Anniversary” that’s signed by Robert Smith and the other four members of The Cure (see photo below).

This can all be won by one lucky winner in the U.S. (For more details on the box set, check this out. And to pre-order one of the several different formats of 40 Live, head over here.)

TO ENTER: In the comments below, name your favorite song by The Cure and why you think it’s so great. You can also email your entry to with the subject “THE CURE 40 LIVE.”

RULES: We’ll take entries until 5 p.m. EDT Friday, Oct. 25. After that point, we’ll select a winner at random, who will be notified via their provided e-mail address. Important: If the winner does not reply to their notification email within 48 hours, a new winner will be drawn (hey, it happens). Winner must have a U.S. mailing address. One entry per person.

Good luck, and godspeed.







  1. Jerry Ramsey

    Looking forward to something new by my favourite band The Cure!

    • Linda Malloy

      This is an impossible question. I have a top 25, all dearly beloved. But if I MUST choose, it would probably be Fascination Street. I think it is one of the greatest songs ever written. The excellence and involvement of all the components, the way they swirl and compel, together in a fantastical whole. I cannot stay still when it is on, and smile upon the first notes.
      Is it wrong that I am filled with anxiety, feeling I have betrayed all my deeply loved others in choosing just one? They are THAT precious to me…

  2. Brian Lumauig

    “Untitled” from “Disintegration” because it’s the perfect end to a perfect album. A somber breath from an album that can get suffocating in the best way possible.

  3. Radoslav Kartalski

    Disintegration – because it saved my life

  4. Emily Sabourin

    Primary is my favorite Cure song. It’s something about that driving bass line and I just love the cold, and sparse sound of the earlier Cure albums!

  5. Adam Besenyodi

    “A Few Hours After This…”
    The greatest b-side of all time!

  6. Gerald Hastings

    Edge of the deep green sea , pure epic from first note to last no let up from this song u get taken into it & become it, without any question the BEST SONG

  7. Marc Wiener

    In between Days-just a perfect encapsulation of all that is the Cure. The mood-the music–just perfect.

  8. Elisabeth Nixon

    I love Pictures of You because it reminds me of my first love (& heartache). It’s just beautifully put together.

  9. Michele Marshall

    My favorite Cure song is “The Kiss”. It’s so angry and in-your-face. I just love it!

  10. I fell in love with “From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea” when I saw them perform it live back in 1996. It led me back to Wish and putting that song on repeat. The perfect song for putting your headphones on, closing your eyes, and tuning the world out. Such a great song to get lost in.

  11. Hollye Ainsworth

    Adonais because it reminds me of a time of my life when things were finally changing in my life and I was having exciting adventures.

  12. nichole babich

    a forest. it’s always been my favorite. when I saw the concert recently that was in the theater people it was the only song that clapped after it played. I felt like a proud mother.

  13. Has to be “Boys Don’t Cry”. One of the first somgs I heard from The Cure, and also one of the songs that introduced me to what would later become known as “alternative” music, a path that I’ve never regretted going down!

  14. Hunter H Lyon

    A Forest, the answer is a A Forest. I don’t need a reason. A Forest is the reason.

  15. 100 Years, because it’s The Cure at their most intense…musically and personally.

  16. Todd Teghtmeyer

    A Forest. Because of the bass line and just love the mood of the song.

  17. “Primary” may be the one that sticks out to me the most. I remember having “Standing on The Beach” in my tape player on replay/reverse/whatever that function was while on a week-long bike tour in 8th grade (1987, maybe?) and that song coming on while on a tree-lined trail. The consistent drone of the song just kept me going and melded in with the moment. It is definitely a singular memory for me.

  18. “Plainsong” – an epic opener that sets the stage for the whole album.

  19. ‘Catch’ because the strings are amazing and it reminds me of my dad. It’s his favorite Cure song too.

  20. It’s extremely difficult to choose just one favorite Cure song, but if I had to, I would say “The Same Deep Water As You” off Disintegration. The album is my favorite (not only favorite Cure album, but my favorite album of all time), and the song is pure poetry. While its meaning to me has changed over the past 30 years, it remains a song that speaks to my heart both lyrically and musically. Through the rainstorm, through the years, I adore this song. As the liner notes said, and as we all did, “This music has been mixed to be played loud so turn it up.” <3

  21. Holly Brassard

    Catch by The Cure is the best song ever! It describes how I would like a man to feel about me. No flaws just pure love

  22. Stephen Allen

    My favorite Cure song is Halo. The only band in the world whose B-sides are as good as the songs on the “A-side.” This easily could have been a single off of the Wish album and been a hit had it gotten airplay. I love this song because of it being in the Wish era where they used many guitars to create a wonderful layered guitar sound. Everything from the lyrics to the melody strike a chord to create a perfect song.

  23. Mark Anderson

    My favorite Cure song is, “A Night Like This”. It helped me to get out of a bad relationship and into a new positive one, all in one evening.

  24. Impossible to pick a favorite but one of my favorites is Sinking. Maybe that is why I love the Cure, so many songs that are amazing.

  25. Greg Crighton

    Pictures of You, without andoubt the most epic heartfelt song I’ve ever heard. A true classic that will last forever.

  26. The Same Deep Water As You

    There’s never been a song that brings out all the feelings for me, like this one. It captured such a mood. It’s lyrically beautiful, sung perfectly and that keyboard, mixed with the other instruments, superb. It’s magnificent melancholy!

  27. Nathan D. Mattimoe

    Primary. That bassline.

  28. Jamie Ryckman

    “Push” – That intro. The lyrics. All the feels.
    Edit or delete this

  29. Primary.
    Awesome bass. I love the darker feel of many early Cure songs.

  30. Man oh man, that’s a tough one.

    I’d have to say IN BETWEEN DAYS. I really liked The Cure at that point, but this album was a definite shift in tone and was the soundtrack to my life at that time. This was a perfect start to a perfect album.

    Upbeat, sleek, happy, sad, relationships turned upside down and a plea for redemption. Great stuff.

  31. Clearly there are so many amazing tracks to choose from but ‘This Twilight Garden’ is my absolute favorite Cure song. The romance and beauty embedded in this song fills my cold goth heart with such warmth and feeling.

  32. Rebecca Perry

    ‘Just Like Heaven’ – The music and lyrics flow so beautifully, it lifts you up and carries you along with it.

  33. Scott Gronewold

    The Same Deep Water as You, it has just always been a perfect song to take me away. It is perfection

  34. Dianna Ranere

    The Head on the Door – A Night Like This because it reminds me so much of my husband and when we first met.

  35. Summer Davis

    My favorite Cure song is “To the Sky”. It’s the song that started my love affair with this band and every time I hear it, it just puts me in a good mood. It just has a romantic feel about it. I would love to hear it live one day.

  36. “Too late” because it reminds me of the girl that got away..

  37. Charlotte Sometimes has always been my favorite, the atmosphere created in just 3 minutes is amazing.

  38. Leena Patel

    Hands down my favorite song is Disintegration. This song and the album have helped me get out of my darkest moments.

  39. Charles Handley

    Fire In Cairo, because I love the album. and this was one of the first songs I heard off it. It is very catchy, and I always loved the title.I was always attracted to the strange titled songs wondering how they came up with the names.

  40. My favorite song by The Cure has always been – and forever will be – From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea. The story it creates for the listener is so evocative, so incredibly relatable, so breathtakingly sad and beautiful.

  41. Kathleen Murphy

    Six different ways

  42. Two-way tie: Burn and The Walk. Burn is such an iconic track that kicks off an amazing soundtrack to a great movie. Furthermore, Burn has ties to New Orleans, a city I called home for three years from 2001-2004.

  43. Nicholas Wansha

    “A Forest” – The bass line is relatively simple and haunting.

  44. Rebecca Walston

    How to choose a favorite?! A Forest is one of my faves- it’s available on the jukebox to play when I’m closing down the pub- I blast it every week loud. And I just got to see them perform it live at ACL- they killed it- AMAZING!! My third time seeing them- soundtrack of my life

  45. Mike McGovern

    The Same Deep Water As You is the perfect moody atmospheric late at night on a rainy evening song. You cannot ask for a more visceral song!

  46. Tina Miller

    A Forest. Particularly the remastered version. Dark and brooding fun song, to be played loudly. Love listening to this one when I’m driving home from work late at night.

  47. Close to Me… it’s magical. Takes me in and out of memories and time.

  48. Ravi Batheja

    Close To Me…it’s what got me into The Cure and the rest is history….so many great songs from when they started to seeing them live in so many cities….including epic shows at ACL in Austin, TX and the Hollywood Bowl in Hollywood, CA…the marathon shows still make The Cure one of the best bands to see live!

  49. “Just like heaven” timeless song.

  50. James Pasmore

    “From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea” because it is a culmination of all the song writing elements I have loved about The Cure presented in a singular, powerful statement.

  51. 2 Late because it’s the most perfect pop song ever written by anyone ever.

  52. Chris McNabb

    It’s hard to pick, but I keep coming back to “Prayers for Rain.” It’s got all the elements of a great Cure song, and it’s one of the best tracks from their best albums. It’s even more powerful live than on the album, and that pushes it over the top for me.

  53. Karren Bailey

    I love the quirky Lullaby. Makes me think of my daughter whose fear is a spider in her bedroom

  54. Daniel Ramirez

    My favorite song by The Cure is “Burn” It is such a great song and it was my first introduction to The Cure. Robert always sung with a lot of passion, especially with this song

  55. Nichole Ferree

    Cold – it perfectly captures the shockingly dark sound of the early years.

  56. Pictures of You! It was my go-to song of every mixtape I ever made in high school.

  57. Kevin Turner

    A Forest. Simply one masterful piece of musical genius, best, best enjoyed very loud ….which in my ideal gig, would play for almost all of the 3 hours (of an epic Cure set).

  58. In Between Days. It always reminds me of favorite memories of high school.

  59. Mike Rochinich

    EVERYTHING FROM DISINTIGRATION!!! That album is a MASTERPIECE! From the lyrics to the music it just blows me away every time I hear it from beginning to end!

  60. Descent. With only the music to weave the tale, the song progresses up and down, carrying with it your emotions.

  61. “Lovesong” is my favorite because my husband (then boyfriend) put it on a mix tape for me back when we were dating long distance. Almost 30 years later, the song still has a special meaning to us. ❤️

  62. Kimberla Jacobs

    Whole I usually lean towards older titles, this song has always accurately described my life no matter the peril or accomplishment.

  63. John Heaston

    Just like heaven epitomizes everything the cure are as a band. the lyrics, instrumentation and passion take you on a journey and leave you spent but wanting more by the end. The guitar work of the band is underrated and this song proves that the cure is deserving to be in the pantheon of rock gods

  64. Shane Joyce

    Faith, Quiet subdued yet packed with so much energy and raw emotion. First time I heard the song was an excellent live version from the Charlotte Sometimes B-side. It was my first Live track I heard as a new fan in ’85.

  65. Reada Kessler

    Lovecats quite simply because it’s the first song I ever heard from The Cure. I used to listen to Rock Over London on local DC area radio and it introduced me to so many artists US radio wasn’t playing including Lovecats. I would fall in love with the band as a whole later but this song was always a fave of mine and it reminds me of that time of my life.

  66. Stephen Slaybaugh

    One Hundred Years: It’s mix of stark aesthetics and emotion is unparalleled.

  67. Hope Turner

    A forest. The wistful longing and struggling is something we can all relate to. It’s the first song that made the charts in the UK and put the Cure on the map for many people.

  68. Massimiliano

    Homesick from Disintegration, for me is a perfect melody’s resume about love..bass line and keyboards are the talks at first..the other answer..and ask for more..they run out in the song..but at the end..they both play the same note.
    Is not love?

  69. The Walk because it’s odd and fun and just hit me the right way the first time I ever heard it.

  70. Jeff Taylor

    “A Night Like This.” So beautiful. Haunting lyrics.

  71. John Vollaro

    “Fascination Street” The tempo, music and build on this song is so incredible. I get lost in this song every single time. It’s a fantastic song from a perfect album.

  72. Mike Bright

    My favorite cure song is. Plainsong. Why you ask because it’s the first song on the disintegration album and when I hear those windchimes I just now I’m going to be listening to the most amazing song and the most amazing album of all time. It’s perfect

  73. I think A Night Like This is my favorite – so many to choose from, but it would have to be off The Head on the Door. Every track is essential. A Night Like this is one of the first “new” Cure songs I heard back in the day – the bassline is archetypical Cure, and the lyrics are essential a Cure template.

  74. Brad Hertzner

    Just One KISS has haunted me for decades. Relentless bass and drums.

  75. Michael Torres

    Pictures of you. For some reason I think of my Grandma when I hear this song.

  76. I am so addicted to Primary! Its everything the 80s were!.. Totally brings me back to high school..

  77. I literally cannot choose a definitive favorite, I might as well just pick at random. But I’ll go with my gut instinct and pick Charlotte Sometimes. It’s such a hauntingly beautiful song, and it plugs me right back into my full-on goth days.

  78. Jeannette beresford

    My very favourite song is Halo as I feel it encompasses the complete and total magic of falling so completely in love you’re walking on clouds :) I even used it for a birth announcement when my son was born :)

  79. Fascination Street. Music that touches ones soul……….Trying to find that moment of perfection!

  80. Vernon Harmon

    Pick a favorite Cure song?? Oh, is that all?! Sheesh, what a task!

    I guess I have to go with A Forest — the instrumentation on the album version is so perfectly evocative when combined with Robert’s lyrics and vocals, but the true magic is found in any of the sprawling live versions they’ve used to close their sets. From the slow build up, to the propulsively melancholy groove, to the long fade out that seems like it should not and never will end, like the beating of a solitary heart. What a genius of a song.

    Hope I win!

  81. Nick Richards

    “A Night Like This”, because it has everything you could want from the group. It’s starkly emotive, from the lyrics to the sax. it’s darkly layered with guitars for days. It has that bass line Simon loves to play (see also: “A Chain of Flowers”, “Plastic Passion”, et all), and despite all these traits no other Cure cut is exactly like it.

  82. This Twilight Garden for the way it makes me feel. I can’t explain it in words the way it makes me feel when I hear it but I get goosebumps every time I hear the intro. It’s just gorgeously beautiful and sad.

  83. “Disintegration”. It is the sound of perfection. That song and album have literally saved my life.

  84. maria villari

    “A NIGHT LIKE THIS’ <3 A hauntingly, beautiful perfect Cure song that brings back so many memories of my teenage years……

  85. Rodney Bowcock

    Definitely The Figurehead. Everything about it is quintessential Cure, especially Simon’s bass line. It all creates a perfect atmosphere of despair.

  86. Melissa DeStefano

    The Cure’s “The Hanging Garden” on their 1982 album Pornography. I love that underground dark tribal sound in it! I have been a fan from the very beginning! It was hard to choose but I especially love this oldie but goodie!

  87. Brad Hertzner

    Just One Kiss is so haunting. Relentless bass and drums over haunting lyrics

  88. That’s tough, there are so many good ones but I’ll pick Love Cats

  89. Just Like Heaven. I know its a predictable, obvious answer, but its one of the most perfect pop songs ever written. Period. And it gets bonus points for its perfect use in ADVENTURELAND, a film that has a meticulous, perfect soundtrack, and that scene might be the best of the best in that regard. Just a perfect, perfect moment when that song is playing as Joel, Em and James are riding the bumper cars after eating weed brownies. Can I say “perfect” a few more times??

  90. Jacob Harris

    A Hanging Garden… always loved the drum and bass intro for this track, and Robert’s haunting lyrics

  91. The Hanging Garden
    Every time I hear that beat come in, I feel like it takes over my body and my soul and takes me away. Almost like a trance.

  92. Devangelo Murff

    My favorite Cure song is play for today. The version on The Cure live Orange vhs is song gothic and badass.

  93. Richard Swanson

    Fascination Street – the Cure at their hardest and loudest. Love it!

  94. “Just Like Heaven” is not just my favorite Cure song; it’s my very favorite song of all time. It’s a perfect pop song: Boy loves girl, boy loses girl. It’s upbeat musically, but takes a darker turn lyrically (obviously not as dark as some Cure classics), and Robert’s voice is so somber that it’s a love song for those of us with depressive tendencies. Plus, you can dance to it!

  95. Becky Schutter

    At the moment, Breathe. Pretty & atmospheric.

  96. Larry Kowerski

    Faith. The first song I fell in love with. The slow build. Those lyrics.

  97. I find Underneath The Stars is the song that hits me the most. Every time I hear it, it reminds me on how much I love my wife.

  98. Sarah Hedley

    Plainsong is my favorite song from my favorite band, The Cure. I’m not good at breaking down a song to it’s technical elements, but everything from the starting sound of chimes, to the heartwrenching bass line, to Robert’s beautiful words carried by his one of a kind voice, to the pictures I see in my mind and how everything together manages to lift and crush my heart at the same time. True brilliance.

  99. It’s hard to choose only one favorite song, but I think it’s Play for today.
    It’s not just great, it’s an awesome song, because it describe at perfection when I was teenager, it’s really a masterpiece musically have a very original sound, and every playlist without play for today it’s incomplete.

  100. Jason Cotton

    Just Like Heaven – The last heady days of high school. The angst and the uncertainty drowned out in the partying like there was no tomorrow and partying like we were never going to see one another again as we all moved in different directions post high school toward uni’s studying in different parts of the country. I still get butterflies thinking of this time and how important the music was, the soundtrack of the teenager coming of age….The Cure.

  101. Robin Bourne

    It’s got to be A Forest. A seemingly
    simple yet complicated brooding atmospheric soundscape topped by masterfully bleak and ambiguous Robert Smith vocals. Timeless and perfect.

  102. Anthony Nistler

    One More Time – Stunningly gorgeous and devastatingly melancholy all at the same time. One of the best preludes in any Cure song IMHO. Transports me immediately to all the emotions circa 1987 whenever I hear it. And Robert Smith just nails the aching vocals.

  103. Plainsong. Anything but plain… this song takes me to a million different places at once. When I saw The Cure in Tinley Park, IL, circa Curiosa 2004, it was this song that put the biggest brightest smile across my face that night! Great song and perfect album opener! \m/

  104. Marty Smith

    At Night. Everything great about The Cure; sombre, sparse, atmospheric, thought-provoking and lyrically spot-on (even if it is mostly Kafka).

  105. “The Drowning Man” – The sonic landscape this song creates is a perfect pairing with classic Cure lyrics. The song tells a story, it is incredibly tragic and moving, and all we can hope for from the Cure in 1981. All perfect Cure songs reference something Robert Smith read (in this case, Gormenghast)and bonus points for drum triggers!

  106. Marty Smith

    At Night. Everything great about The Cure; sombre, sparse, atmospheric, thought-provoking and lyrically spot-on (even if it is mostly Kafka).

    A US mailing address, oh fuck off.

  107. Steve Pittman

    A Forest (with Charlotte Sometimes a close 2nd). A Forest is my favorite due to its spooky ambiance and incredible bass line. I also love the video for the song. Brings back a ton of great memories.

  108. Mark Wallis

    A Forest – there’s nothing else like it in the world of music. It’s perfect for this time of year as well, dark, creepy, but cozy and warm at the same time. Love it.

  109. A Night Like This. but especially live. it’s one Cure song that i think gets even much better live. although it comes from one of my favorite albums from The Cure.

  110. “The Hanging Garden” is one of my favorites. The drum and the bass work nicely to set a pace and contribute nicely to the tone of the song. (Also, it gets stuck in my head a lot. This is infinitely better than when I get “Cotton Eye Joe” stuck in my head.)

  111. Brendan Lawrence-Young

    So many great songs that shaped my life but I’d have to say “Fascination Street” as it’s the track that my then 9yo son was looking forward to & Still blown away by after seeing The Cure live in 2016 for his first ever live gig!

  112. It’s impossible to choose just one. A Forest or maybe Charlotte Sometimes. Does it all really matter?

  113. Primary is my favorite because it was the first song I heard from the Cure and led to years of enjoyment.

  114. Brendan Lawrence-Young

    So many great songs that shaped my life but I’d have to say “Fascination Street” as it’s the track that my then 9yo son was looking forward to & Still blown away by after seeing The Cure in 2016 for his first ever live gig!

  115. Closedown – hard to pick, but Closedown has to be the most game changing track for me. I was stuck at this point of just listening to the popular Cure tracks and when I heard Closedown on accident, it floored me; helped me right into exploring more music that you didn’t hear on the radio. From that point on, I’ve had them in some sort of musical rotation. That’s was 25 years ago (39 years-old).

  116. Warren Spayth

    What a difficult question. Every Cure song is unique to me in it’s own way. I always end up falling in love with a couple for months at a time. But in the end, I always come back to the same song. My favorite Cure song is “The Drowning Man.” It’s not the story it tells, although that in itself is brilliant. It’s the hypnotic majesty of the beat and guitar work on the track. The lyrics blend in beautifully with the music allowing me to be carried away with ebb and flow of the tide. Beautifully. Tragically. Majestically. When it’s over I feel fresh and relieved of my burdens in life, ready to face the world again.

  117. Mark Knudsen

    Fascination Street – lots of great club memories from back in the day. Always was a joy to dance to.

  118. So hard to choose but I will have to say A Forest just because it sounds so good to my ears! Love it so much!

  119. Sharlyn Davis

    Just Like Heaven
    It was my first introduction to The Cure. After falling in love with the entire album Kiss Me x3, I went back and discovered their entire catolog. Can’t get enough of their haunting lyrics and music ever since.

  120. Peter Slevin

    Same Deep Water As You – my favourite song of all time. It captures the brilliance of the Cure perfectly…

  121. A Chain of Flowers is my favorite because it’s so beautiful and melancholic. The layers of lush sounds and Robert’s vocals are just so haunting and the song itself sends my mind to some far off dark place.

  122. sean fitzpatrick

    Song : World in My Eyes. Why?: Cure > Depeche Mode

  123. One of my favorites has always been “Kyoto Song.” There’s something strangely beautiful about it, even though it’s quite haunting. It represents this subtle horror that I love – Robert describes these nightmarish images but it’s not gruesome or gory. Rather, it gets under your skin. The whole thing is unsettling especially with how the lyrics are placed against the light, tinkling music that’s almost like a lullaby.

  124. Peter Pappas

    Pictures of you – Love lost

  125. Lynda Kitchens

    THREE IMAGINARY BOYS – Desperation, loneliness, paranoia – a story with a fan-freaking-tastic haunting groove. GD it’s a good song!

  126. I was 12, maybe 13, when I heard The Hanging Garden on the radio, and it changed everything I thought I knew about music and pretty much the world. The trajectory it set me on forged a strong need to stake out my own path and always dig deeper.
    Pretty certain I’d be a very different person without that moment.

  127. Bradley Schroeder

    My favorite song by The Cure is, “A Forrest”.
    There is something so eerie and beautiful to the slow, meandering intro. It creates an atmosphere of escape and transports me to another world mentally. Then the driving beat continues that journey through another world.

  128. A Strange Day.
    Though there are many whimsical & oddly cheery tracks I considered, this captured an intensity and uncomfortable closeness. Experiential. Cathatric. Indelibly the Cure…

  129. “Apart” because of its compelling nature; it’s not fast but it keeps you wanting more. the emotion in Robert’s voice is palpable and the bass line is wonderfully murky.

  130. Suzanne Hostert

    Plainsong is my favorite. It’s lush, grand sound is the perfect way to start off Disintegration, as well as a lot of their shows. It’s melodic, and hauntingly beautiful.

  131. Dale F. Bishop

    “Pictures of You” because it’s my wife’s favorite. I enjoy the band but they are her favorite band ever. We saw this concert when it had the one showing in theaters.

  132. I love Sinking with it’s powerful bass, signature Cure soundscape, relatable lyrics, and passionate vocals.

  133. My favourite is “Treasure”, as it reminds me of my late grandmother, and my final months with her.

  134. Pictures of You – The building of sound layers is so perfectly done and the melancholy vibe of lyrics fits so well with how I’ve felt before.

  135. Ariel Mendez

    One of my favorites is The Exploding Boy. So catchy it just puts a smile on my face whenever I hear it.

  136. Bryan Clarey

    “Six Different Ways” has always been my favorite song by The Cure. It’s quirky but serious at the same time. “It was never quite like this before.” ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  137. “Birdmad Girl”, because, Andy Anderson!

  138. I can listen to “All Cats Are Grey” off their album Faith all day long. It’s hypnotic and the production is perfect.

  139. My favorite song by the cure is the reasons why . It has a lot of meaning lyrically to me and love the melody. It is also awesome played live

  140. Charles Murphy

    Disintegration is my all time favorite Cure song. To me, it’s the most relatable Cure because I think we have all been in a dying relationship and we feel like the world is falling apart. Robert’s lyrics are heartbreaking and hit like a hammer. The whole band is at their strongest and 100% on point.

  141. Julia Pittman

    A Night Like This. Such a catchy song.

  142. It might be unimaginative on my part, but “Fascination Street” is my favorite song by a The Cure, particularly the extended version on the CD single release. It has such a sense of foreboding and menace, an almost palpable darkness in the interplay between music and vocals. It was also my introduction to the band way back in 1989. I’ve been a fan ever since, but it is always this song that stands out for me, much as I live the rest of their catalogue.

  143. Like many, it’s hard for me to choose! But I’ll say “A Strange Day” because it’s so moody, so so atmospheric, it really takes you somewhere else. But there are songs for every mood. I adore “Friday I’m in Love,” too.

  144. Lauren Cassie

    My favorite song by the cure is Prayers for Rain. Really, the whole disintegration album got me through my teenage years. When I am in an upbeat mood, another favorite is Primary. :) I could list 20 more that are at the top of my list. They are so amazing.

  145. Sean Sowash

    “Push”…for a band that earned a reputation for being so dark and gloomy, that song is what sunshine sounds like…just perfect.

  146. Steven Tirre

    “The Same Deep Water As You.” very moody and ethereal. A great rainy-day song.

  147. “Friday I’m in Love” The joyful exuberance of new love is so infectious.

    After all these years this song still makes me want to dance. And watching friends and family dance to it as our wedding band played it just makes this song so my much more meaningful to me.

  149. My favorite song by The Cure is The Exploding Boy. I just love everything about the song. <3

  150. Diane Bullion

    Lullaby is my favorite Cure song. I get chill bumps every time I hear it and especially when I get to experience it live. The whole album is amazing.

  151. Daniele Weinberger

    Too numerous to mention. Sinking is so great live – moody, elegant, gorgeous. From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea – the energy and emotion of this song live gives me goose bumps every time. Fascination Street – genius. Other Voices – Every Cure song is just beautiful in its own right. Thank you!

  152. Joseph Kulikowski

    My favorite Cure song is Burn.
    It fit so perfectly in The Crow.
    It has all the elements of a classic Cure song;
    Great bass line
    Fantastic lyrics
    Interwoven guitar parts

    I first heard it when I saw The Crow opening night in the theatres in ‘94.
    Every time I hear it, it will always get taken back to that moment.

  153. Lovecats because it is when I first started getting into the band and got the album for my birthday from my eighth grade boyfriend. I am 46 now and still digging them!

  154. It’s got to be “Like Cockatoos”. Such a terse and distilled mass of a song, with black rain, lovers parting ways, and bleeding bubbles. The music is impenetrable. Good stuff.

  155. It’s so hard to pick just one song. After 30+ years of listening to The Cure, my favorite song if theirs has changed many times! Boys Don’t Cry, The Forest, etc. etc. etc.

  156. Jerry Ramsey

    I first saw The Cure on MTV in the early 80’s. The first video I saw of The Cure was “Let’s go to bed”. My favourite song is “Charlotte Sometimes”. At the age of 48 I still love and listen to The Cure all the time.

  157. Favorite song is “La Ment”, because it’s a perfect blend of melancholy, Robert’s guitar and icy synths.

  158. Dana Boyette

    “A Thousand Hours” from Kiss Me3. It helped me get through some dark times. It’s a lush, comforting blanket to my ears and heart.

  159. Justin King

    I cannot possibly pick a favorite. Too many songs mean so many different things to me.

  160. I’ve never had the feeling that I needed to choose a favorite song because they have so many terrific tracks. If I have to choose it would be One Hundred Years…I’m a sucker for churning guitars.

  161. Lisa Prichett

    Shake Dog Shake….because it kicks ass live !

  162. A Forest , Gets me to the dancefloor everytime.

  163. Zachary Hollback

    “Just One Kiss,” especially the extended version from “The Walk” ep. It’s the quintessential Cure track…upbeat yet moody, and the tribal drums/synth combination still amazes me. When it came out not many people in my area had heard of the Cure, and it was kind of a litmus test for whether or not they were on my wavelength.

  164. A Forest. The first time I saw the Cure at the Hult Center in Eugene, that song was their encore. It has always been my favorite.

  165. Hot Hot Hot!!!, which manages to sound like something only they could come up with but is also far from their typical sound. Loved the whimsy.

  166. Daryl DiMiceli


    If you have ever seen this song performed live, the you know EXACTLY why this is my favorite song by them.


  167. A letter to Elise — Picking this because I still remember the exact moment I first heard it. I was in the GAP at my local mall. I was probably 14, just about to start High School. The lyrics, the melody, everything was so different from what I had been listening to. It opened the door for me.

  168. Rachel Allen

    “Last Dance” because it’s peak drama both musically and lyrically.

  169. A few hours after This – it’s composure is amazing. Lyrics are perfect. It’s also not that popular which is another reason I love it.

  170. Tom LoMacchio

    My love for The Cure is vast and career spanning, however, Disintegration has been my favorite album (not just by The Cure, but by any artist, ever) since it’s release, and I have always stood by that. It was life changing. Plainsong, the opening track, is the most beautiful and perfect song to start such a flawless album, so I must therefore state that Plainsong is indeed my favorite Cure song.

  171. jason milliman

    Disintegration is the greatest song of the Cure’s. The record is flawless…

  172. Dave Parker

    It’s so majestic and kicks off the rest of my favorite album.

  173. John Lancaster

    My wife would have me say Halo, as it was our wedding song. But it’s not my fave! (Sorry wifey). It has to be Strange Days… I first heard it in the mid 80’s when I was at my brothers flat, my brother moved to Canada (from U.K.) in ‘88 & every time I hear the track it takes me right back to then :) it was also my introduction to The Cure.

  174. The Lovecats, probably, although that’s really in conjunction with the video. I saw very young when I saw it – about four – but it tattooed itself in my young mind. The way they looked, how completely foreign-sounding it was compared to most of the music of that time that I was aware of. Robert Smith really struck me: I didn’t know adults were allowed to be like that, and I held onto that little germ of a different way of being.

  175. Jennifer McNichols

    It’s perfection. Both lyrically and musically, it’s breathtaking. It’s gotten me out of some dark spaces. I saw them perform it for the first time at ACL last weekend. I cried.

  176. Disintegration. From the moment that song starts until it ends it never lets up. It’s full of energy, emotion, rage, and confusion and somehow actually sounds like a breakup.

  177. Scott Dixon

    From the edge of the deep green sea. Absolutely epic live.

  178. Just Like Heaven is one of the best…but aren’t they all??

  179. Disintegration. Because it told its my past, my present, and my future.

  180. Chris Thomas

    It changes from day to day but right now “Catch” is my favorite. Its subtle, short and sweet with a touch of sadness. Which sums up the band imo.

  181. christophersolinski

    2 Late! It’s so upbeat yet urgent, like late afternoon sunlight in autumn, bright and fading fast.

  182. Pictures of You. A great song from a great album.

  183. Pamela LaBelle

    Prayers for Rain. This song just moves me in the best way. I go back to the first Cure concert I attended and it was a damp rainy day in St. Louis so they opened with this song. Perfection.

  184. Jacki L Andre

    Lovecats! It’s fun and catchy and great to dance to. Thanks for the chance to win!

  185. Karen Price

    Tough to pick one, but probably A Forest. From the opening measures it just transports me and I get lost in that song every time. It’s trancelike and powerful and everything they do so well as a band is all on display in one song. Untitled is a very close second.

  186. Brian Roach

    Wow an almost impossible choice but if forced I’d say ‘Pictures of You’ because it seems like it was written for me and my feelings for my high school girlfriend and it always takes me back to a great time in my life!

  187. Six Different Ways, simply because it was my first personal exposure to the Cure, on a mixtape given to me by a cute gothy girl in 9th grade. :-)

  188. Henrik Andersson

    My favorite is From the edge of the deep green sea. It balances soft and hard perfectly, has an amazing text and the vocal performance is absolutely stunning.

  189. The Figurehead, because when I listen to it I know that I am not alone.

  190. Rachel Byrne

    I have two. My first love is “Primary”. I still remember the first time I heard it, in the summer of 1985. There’s something so moody and even dangerous about it, but it’s compelling and makes me want to dance. Robert’s vocal is like a voice heard in a dream. I never get tired of listening to it.
    My second favorite is “Bird Mad Girl”. This song grew on me slowly; I didn’t really think The Top was a great album and didn’t listen to it as often as many others. But “Bird Mad Girl” is a gorgeous love song, with sweet feathery guitar that evokes a bird fluttering outside her cage and a vocal that wrings my heart. I love so many Cure songs, but I feel these two deeply.

  191. Kimberly Malave

    A Forest… reminds me of how I was always looking for something so elusive and a bit dark

  192. Stacy Kirincic

    The Walk is my favorite song by The Cure and I was thrilled that it was included in their ACL Festival set. That was an amazing show! I love the synth melody in it and the lyrics are so evocative.

  193. My favorite Cure song is A Forest, especially when it’s done live!

  194. My all-time favorite song is Play, which was the B-side to High from the Album Wish. I just love the melody and rhythm of the song, it feels very ethereal to me. It’s also a bit contradictory to me, as it makes me want to dance but had rather sad lyrics. I love that paradox!

  195. Pictures of You is far and away my favorite Cure song. It takes me back to high school and elicits so many beautiful emotions. I feel that song down to my soul.

  196. Joseph Jenkins

    “just like heaven”

    It blew me away when I heard for the first time in 1987. Back then it reminded me of a girl, so long ago, and that relationship is long over. But that track holds up to this day. Truly timeless, as is their entire catalog.

  197. A Letter to Elise. It lives in my head rent-free. It’s a squatter I enjoy.

  198. Mia De Castro

    In Between Days. I love the guitar strumming and the melody of the song. Perfect!

  199. So many to choose from…I guess my *first* favorite song by The Cure was Push. So, let’s go with that one.

  200. The song “Disintegration.” It has everything that I think makes The Cure great, from the extended intro to the powerful bassline to Robert Smith’s frantic vocal delivery. This is a song that is so massive in it’s scope that it brings me to my knees nearly every time that I hear it.

  201. “M” off 17 Seconds will always be my favorite; it’s so damn catchy, bleak and perfect.

  202. Danielle Smith

    A Letter to Elise
    The lyrics are so heartbreakingly beautiful. The imagery moves me every time. Fave line: “Every time I try, to pick it up like falling sand, as fast as I pick it up, it runs away through my clutching hands” Sigh.

  203. Emile MacDonald-Williams

    Been a fan of the Cure since 82 – Catch is probably my favourite song – it reminds me of someone who was once very special but whom I let go …….. a beautiful tune with some gorgeous memories attached.

  204. Jason Anderson

    I’ve got 2. First, “In Between Days” because it perfectly captures that catchy, pop side of The Cure and then “Burn” for it’s dark feel and tribal rhythm (and what sounds like a little Depeche Mode influence thrown in as well).

  205. Charlotte Sometimes. “Charlotte sometimes dreams a wall around herself
    But it’s always with love.”
    The perfect example of when a song’s lyrics and instrumentals are soulmates.

  206. my favorite song is “Disintegration”, is the “sound” originally of The Cure…

  207. Alessandro Criscitiello

    Today I’ll say ’39’ from ‘Bloodflowers’. For me – as for anyone here – it’s really difficult to pick just one favourite song, but I’ve just listened to the Curaetion live version of ’39’ and it just gave me chills. ‘Bloodflowers’ came out when I was ten, I discovered it two years later and I’ve been saved by this band since then. This band helped me in troubled times and gifted me with so many beautiful memories that I just can’t explain: the 4Tour, the Reflections gig at the RAH, the 40th Anniversary in Hyde Park, all the Summer Festivals and all the friends I’ve shared this love with on the road… all this helps to go on. Thanks to The Cure – all of them. Forever!

  208. I’m going with In Between Days. First Cure song I ever heard (it was when I was in the 7th grade in 1985. Changed my life in that this whole genre of music suddenly opened to me. College radio, tapes of friends’ tapes, posters of mysterious bands I had never heard….awesome days.

  209. My favorite Cure song is Lullaby. It grabs you right from the intro and the lyrics are so creepy, but it has a great melody too. I’ve used it as my ringtone.

  210. James Concepcion

    Boys Don’t Cry was the first song I ever heard by them back in ’81-’82. To this day it remains my all time fav song by anyone

  211. Siamese Twins!
    It’s a GREAT song that’s why I love it.
    I actually got to see it live once. It was one highlight in my many years of love for the Cure.
    I also love Play for Today because it reminds me of a friend.

  212. The Kiss — because it hit me at the right time, and because the build up and release are wonderful.

  213. Michella Karapondo

    It’s hard to pick just one! Today I’ll go with “A Forest” – great bass and such a cool, ethereal moodiness

  214. Stephanie Geery-Zink

    Let’s Go to Bed, quirky and fun!

  215. The Figurehead
    The most intensely negative song on the most intensely negative album of all time. Whoever your bad vibes go to is, Sabbath, Slayer, Abini, whoever, they all wish they could lay down something this heavy.

  216. Karen K Hannegan

    My favorite song by The Cure is 100 Years. It is so prophetic, so powerful, and more relevant than ever.

  217. A Strange Day is my favorite song…i always like the mood of it and the line ‘ The sun is humming..’ is one of my favorite lines ever. Also when all of the instruments drop out and it’s just that guitar lead playing amd then the drums and bass kick back in…one of my favorite music moments ever.

  218. “Before Three” I feel like it encapsulates how we view the past, whether it’s love or in general. Even if you’re still with the person or you’re in a great place in your life the magic of nostalgia is still strong. Memories have the power to bring us joy in the darkest times.

  219. “A Forest” – a brilliant track striking numerous emotional notes.

  220. “A Forest” because that bass carries the whole time.

  221. Jaime Barroso

    Disintegration. It reflects the crisis Robert was through in his early 30’s and the abuse of LSD, it makes feel that I’m not alone in this world and that something better will come at the right time. Thank you Robert.

  222. Sean Koepenick

    Love The Cure, I will go deep with Three Imaginary Boys being my favorite song.

  223. Robert Muncy

    Picture of you

  224. The Big Hand
    The guitars, bass and keyboard literally sound like they are crying. I don’t know how they can put so much yearning into a song, but don’t ever stop. ❤️

  225. Fascination Street – that bassline pulses like blood through veins

  226. Catch off the Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me album. I was completely smitten with a guy who would sing this to me in a wobbly voice. I was so clumsy as a teenager, falling down a lot was my superpower. It was more than that, it was sort of an ode to our whole relationship. I would walk to his house in the snow, sluffing class to ummm, roll around on the floor. When I decided to fall for and roll with someone new the lyrics became really poignant. He’d tried to catch me but never really knew my name. Thanks to social media it’s now an inside joke between two old friends.

  227. Pictures of You. The song is my favorite song ever not just my favorite Cure song. It speaks to me like nothing else has. Got through some very dark times.

  228. From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea as it’s so full of passion – I just love it.

  229. Joseph Jaros

    Why try to say anything more meaningful to your lover when Robert Smith has already said it. Deceptively beautiful lyrics and eerily comforting psychedelic melodic dirge. Today this is my favorite Cure song as I figure out how to say these things to my fiancée on our wedding October 19.

  230. Love Cats ~ the video alone

  231. A Forest – it is the perfect encapsulation of the Cure’s ethos

  232. A Night Like This

    That bass line grabs me every time…

  233. Faith – I can’t describe why I love it so much, but I always wished I could write a song so good and affecting.

  234. The Kiss. Because vivid memories of that song opening the Kiss Me tour as a 15 yo. The projection for the intro of the song blew my young mind.

  235. Jason Rogers

    “A Forest”, because it is my all-time favorite song by any band. It changed my world when I first heard it during the mid-1980s, and I love how it is a perfect dream encased in music.

  236. #1 song has to be Halo, it’s a slice of romantic Goth pop perfection!

  237. Mike Sciullo

    The drowning man always captivated me. I never really heard anything like it. Just magical.

  238. Carlton Salter

    So many favorite songs, but, “Just Like Heaven” because it was “our song” with my first love, my high school sweetheart. It’s a very beautiful, poignant song that evokes her and that special time we had together then.

  239. Bryan Humphries

    “The Same Deep Water As You” because it’s the most chilled out song from their very best record

  240. Margaret Twins

    Lovesong because being 8 years old and seeing the video come on mtv and thinking Robert Smith was the coolest looking guy and just falling in love with the song. I’ve been a fan since I was 8, thirty years later, I still think Robert Smith is the coolest guy and I still love all the music.

  241. “Lullaby”, because of how much fun Robert seems to have dancing along and telling the story while performing it.

  242. Primary, because I lost my virginity to it.

  243. Maria Gunter

    Really, so hard to pick just one, so I’ll go with my favorite non-album single To The Sky which I believe is their best song very few people know. It puts me in that perfect happy / sad dreamlike state. Its floating melody, pop styled keyboard arrangement, and rhythmic guitar tones showcases the band’s full range. I think this song has appeal with a broad range of listeners and is one of the few songs in their catalogue which is absolutely perfect to listen to on a bright summer’s morning. It can weirdly lift your spirits when you’re feeling low but also calm you down when you’re too keyed up. It’s really just a stupendous track.

  244. My favorite is “Jumping Someone Else’s Train.”

    In the era before there was Alternative radio, when cool music was so hard to find and largely the dominion of the fringe weirdos in school, this song always made me look at those who listened to “normal” music with sadness…

  245. Jack Thornsberry

    That is a tough call, but the album Seventeen Seconds was a big influence on me in college. A Reflection and then Play for Today, what an epic opening. But A Forest is probably mine. Thanks, hope I win!

  246. Heather Smith

    10:15 Saturday night. It was one of the first songs I ever heard by The Cure. I was in 5th grade and from that moment on I was a huge fan. The Cure is still my favorite band of all time. They have gotten me through breakups, divorce, and my husband played them while I was in a coma. Robert Smith has literally saved my life.

  247. “M” off of Seventeen Seconds. That opening guitar line coupled with the fact that the song reminds me of someone I once knew kills me.

  248. Favorite is Mint Car because it immediately puts me in a good mood!

  249. Love Cats – because it was playing at The Kennel Club in 1984 when I asked my future wife to dance with me for the first time. We played it at our wedding in 1986. She’s gone now but the song still makes me smile.

  250. Siamese Twins. Absolute total despair. The most uncompromisingly bleak song in their most uncompromisingly bleak record.
    Other tracks have a wistful sort of beauty to them, even if they’re sad. This song is pure defeat and utter loss of hope.

  251. Just Like Heaven
    Great song, great lyrics, great video

  252. Plainsong, because it’s such a dynamic yet delicate, and ultimately unexpected, way to start Disintegration.

  253. The Kiss… A very intense song that can take me away from anything else I might thinking about. A great song to…

  254. Garth Shineman

    Dredd Song has become my life’s anthem and it helped me through my divorce allowing me to emote through the sounds amd words. I will cherish it among the litany of The Cure’s music!

  255. The entire Disintegration album – fantastic!!!

  256. Richard Evans

    Fav song would be Same Deep Water as You. It is just the best song on a rainy day. Rainy days are the days to get the emotion and feel of Cure songs. Same Deep Water catches the thoughts and feeling for when you say good by to a loved one for a period of time.

  257. marc leblanc

    The Same Deep Water as You is my favorite song by The Cure. It is so haunting and beautiful at the same time. I first heard it while camping in the dead quiet woods of Montana and it was intoxicating. I couldn’t get enough of that song.

  258. This Twighlight Garden. Caught me completely off guard when I bought the cassette single for High. I could not stop listening to it. It has a special atmosphere very few songs have.

  259. Michael Gros

    Trust: Because it has minimal lyrics that dig in deep. It’s a song of desperation and baring one’s soul to make one last ditch attempt at reconciliation. The perfect Cure song.

  260. Eduardo Sanchez

    If Only Tonight We Could Sleep – That’s how I imagine my death will be like. A magical and peaceful eternal slide into an infinite black.

  261. My favorite Cure song is “The Same Deep Water As You” from the album “Disintegration”. There is so much depth (no pun intended), emotion and yearning in this song and in Roberts voice.

  262. Deborah Lennon

    I still love the crazy strings intro to Caterpillar Girl! Great song.

  263. Michael Clark

    I’m going with Boys Don’t Cry. A perfect pop tune, an early Cure classic, a perennial show closer. Great tune altogether.

  264. Anthony Coburn

    My favorite song by The Cure is A Forest. This song really paints a vivid mental image. It’s so dark and so original. I’ve never heard anything like it

  265. Mark Rainbow

    My favourite has to be “All Cats are Grey”, I love the melody and the whole feel of the track. I’ve loved it since I first heard it on a cassette I had out from the library way back in the 80s

  266. Steven Savoie

    Pictures of you & Facination St. Are among my favorites song but my favorite album is the Top.

  267. My absolute favorite song by The Cure (and the one I’ve listened to on repeat many many times) is The Kiss. It viscerally affects me – both the music and the lyrics. It’s intense and raw and has been in rotation for me and through every breakup or bad relationship situation since I was about 14. It is an old and everlasting friend that helps me emote.

  268. To the Sky: because I heard it on the radio in Germany and had it stuck in my head for years before I found it

  269. All cats are grey. Theres no other song ever that pulls you into the darkness and keeps you there. Haunting, terrifying, beautiful and perfect.

  270. Marco Polito

    My fav song by The Cure is “Pictures of You”. It makes me cry every time I listen to it… great lyrics with perfect music. Love it!

  271. “Open” is my favorite song by The Cure. I identify with the lyrics – the resignation of doing something over and over again. The line “and the way the rain comes down hard … that’s the way I feel inside” resonates so much with me.

  272. Since this asked for “favorite” rather than “best,” this is pretty easy for me–“The Only One” is definitely not classic Cure, but when it came out it was really emotionally resonant for me at that time in my life, besides being one of very few non-blues songs in the Venn diagram overlap between “sexual in content” and “actually sexy to listen to.”

  273. “The Exploding Boy”!
    A perfect b-side!
    Love it!!!

  274. Deleima Gutierrez

    My favorite song that means the most to me is Lullaby.

    My brother passed away from lymphoma Lukiema at 17. I had to watch him plan his funeral, when he should have been planning his whole life.

    I remember one day after he was gone. It was raining heavily & the power went out. I was by myself with my own thoughts. I remember I kept thinking I wish I could hear anything to distract myself from all of this.

    Out of nowhere, my brother’s tv came on by its self and his old playlist popped up. Lullaby was the only thing playing & I sat there listening the whole way…..
    For a moment, I was distracted from the pain listening to Lullabys lyrics and I wasn’t hurting.

    Power came on & after whole I went to go look at my brother’s playlist to see why he would have that song as that’s something he particularly wouldn’t have.
    Lullaby by The Cure was nowhere to be found.

    I think it means so much to me.

  275. Dana Schallheim

    For the last 32 years “Just Like Heaven” has been my favorite song, not just my favorite Cure song. This is a celebratory song for me, one that is played to mark happy moments, good days, or life milestones. While many other songs come close, both Cure or otherwise, nothing evokes a stronger emotional response than “Just Like Heaven.”

  276. The six minute epic “The Forest” was my introduction to the Cure and remains my favorite to this day!

  277. Andrea Fleming

    Such a hard question with the bast always evolving discography! From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea comes to mind because it is so heartbreakingly beautiful, and so amazing as a staple on their live set! PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE SKY!

  278. Fave tune is “Like Cockatoos”, though ask me tomorrow and it’ll likely be something different.

  279. Lullaby – I’ve always loved the bass line and Robert’s voice when he says “be still be calm now my precious boy…”

  280. Francisco Miranda

    PUSH. a great intro that you don’t want it to end… and when the song is over, you need to put it again, because you feel that the song is too short.

  281. Laura Morris

    Although I love all things The Cure, my favorite song is “Like Cockatoos” because of the mystical, magical, other-worldly sound and feel of the song.

  282. A Strange Day is probably my favorite, just edging out Disintegration. It’s got a hypnotic, swirling quality that really transports me every time I listen.

  283. Jason Schallheim

    BURN!! From the flute to the guitar, hands down Burn is my favorite Cure track!

  284. Joshua Stowe

    A Forest. The music and lyrics depict the desperation perfectly. Always has been my favorite song.

  285. Disintegration. Every damn time it blows my mind. Got to see it live this year and I couldn’t hold the tears back

  286. Michelle Johnston

    Pictures of you. I totally relate to this song and it makes me cry in a good way.

  287. Disintegration is my favorite because it consists of a great bass riff, Robert singing louder as it progresses, and of course, Kyle from South Park agrees with me.

  288. Todd Guenther

    Fascination Street is my most favorite Cure song. It could be the anthem of the end of the world.

  289. Eric Wallman

    My favorite Cure song lately is “Another Day.” I guess the reason for why is because I’d like it played at my funeral. When I’m dead, I want to reiterate to the audience that my death, and theirs, is in the greater sense of the universe, just another day. Sure, sadness comes with any such event, but in the greater perspective… It’s meaningless.

  290. Just Like Heaven is my favorite. It is the perfect song.

  291. Rory Schallheim

    My favorite song is the second song played during the Cure movie, Pictures of You. I like the song because of the melody. Written with the full consent of my parents.

  292. Like Cockatoos. The emotion gets me every time. And it’s so fun to sing as loudly as possible.

  293. Last Dance-
    Because it reminds me of my daughter, and taking her to the “Daddy Daughter Dance” and how much things change…..

  294. James Nolasco

    2late – because of it’s beautiful melodies, Roberts soft delivery and lyrics that feel all too-relatable.

  295. A Few Hours After This.

    Too good a song to be lost as a 12” b side. A beautiful song and When Robert repeats “I never saw you again’ at the end it has a beautiful sadness and regret.

  296. Push,
    I’d could here that melodic line for always and ever.

  297. Inbetween Days
    Bouncy yet yearning. My grandma bought me The Head on the Door cassette when we were supposed to be shopping for school clothes!

  298. Gary Thrasher

    I’d have to say Pictures of You. It is just one of those perfect slices of Cure, great Bass VI line, great lyrics, perfectly wistful!

  299. Steven McElroy

    Pictures of You: The perfect combination of layered musical orchestration, somber lyrics, and pop-sensibility!!!

  300. 2 Late, just because Disintegration and KMKMKM I love as whole works and it’s a Sophie’s Choice picking one track. 2 Late, a brisk 2:45, uptempo music against downbeat lyrics of separation = perfection.

  301. Plainsong. Hands down one of the sexiest, loneliest, uplifting songs ever written

  302. To the Sky
    Because it makes me feel happy and like myself.

  303. My favorite Cure song has to be “Pictires of You”. It’s written beautifully and the way Robert sings it with such emotion, you can just feel the regret in his voice that he is wanting you to feel about not appreciating that someone special in the song and wanting her back.

  304. Michael Taylor

    God so hard to choose, but I’m going with Burn. It elevated The Crow and was perfectly used in the film. Plus I love that eerie flute sound at the beginning and end. So glad they’re finally playing it live.


    Love Song! It was the first song that my wife and I danced to 27 years ago and we’re still happily married!

  306. “A Forest”: You cannot beat that pulsing bass line PLUS the lyrics are sparse yet haunting.

  307. Kevin crowther

    The Promise

    It just builds and builds .. epic drumming and deep vocals ..

  308. Ursula Fuentez

    Want is my favorite song at the moment. Love this song because I want it all!!!!!!

  309. So many to choose from but hearing “If only tonight we could sleep” on The Kissing Tour NEC 1987 was a very spiritual moment for me.

  310. Jennifer Day

    Disintegration – the best song by anyone, ever! The range of emotion will bring you to your knees. Robert still gets emotional when singing it. There are no words to describe how this song transcends – ethereal music, brilliant lyrics, and intense passion.

  311. Jason Schallheim

    Burn, for sure! Love that flute and the guitar in that song!

  312. Michael Hansen

    Strange Day is one of my favorite songs. The slow build to when all of the instruments drop out except the guitar and the solo. It’s just a great song.

  313. Charlotte Sometimes is my favorite Cure song because it has such a haunting dark sound with complex keyboard, bass and guitar parts.

  314. Rory Schallheim

    My favorite Cure song is the second track in the lastest Cure movie, Pictures of You. I love Pictures of You because of the melody. Written with my parent’s consent.

  315. A Night Like This. Beautiful song on a perfect album.

  316. Same Deep Water As You

    Because of the narrative, the mood, the two bass lines and the disparity.

    Thank you

  317. Burn!! I love the flute and guitar in that song!

  318. “To wish impossible things”
    Wanting things in life you can’t have, but wishing you could have it just once..

  319. Changes day to day, but today it’s “Catch”. Just the right combination of mellow and plaintive.

  320. “Seventeen Seconds” – just incredible how a fairly simple song can create such a hypnotic groove through cool guitar chords, a great melody and a great drum sound. My favorite era of the band.

  321. Plainsong. From the opening chimes into the synths and bass: perfection. This captures the band at their finest moment. Brings back memories in 1996 at Radio City Music Hall

  322. Fran Murnaghan

    Hanging Garden. Reason: drums, bass and video.

  323. My favorite Cure song *today* is: Burn. The first time I heard it I was captivated; drawn in by the rhythm and the build of the song.
    Tomorrow that could change as there are so many wonderful songs to choose from, that have impacted me at different times in my life. (A Forest? Numb? Love song?….)

  324. Marc Williams

    My favorite Cure song is “Screw,” because it was such a departure for them at the time, and had such a totally original sound. Also, lots of Simon Gallup.

  325. Very hard to pick a favorite but I’ll say Disintegration. Was mesmerized by those lyrics in college and still am to this day.

  326. Hope you guys are taking steps to prevent people from entering several times with multiple email addresses….

  327. Lullaby…because it’s dark and brooding.

  328. Aimee Repko

    My favorite song by The Cure is Plainsong. Because it’s the opening track to Disintegration, those opening chimes almost Pavlovian for me. They remind me of both my favorite album of all time and my grandmother’s large cylinder chimes she had in her backyard. I wish I had walked down an aisle to this for my second wedding, but I had just a very small, quick ceremony. Maybe for my renewal one day…

  329. Steve Swider

    Deeds Song
    This would be great live, but never played.
    Very inspirational song. I have some of the song tattooed in my arms.

  330. Don’t laugh, but The Love Cats always takes me back to the summer a college neighbor introduced me to the band and it changed my life! Not the most complex song, but it always puts a smile on my face. It was my gateway!

  331. Steve Swider

    Spell check stinks

    Dredd Song

  332. Prayers for rain, epic and timeless!

  333. A forest. It was the first Cure song I ever heard from the “Concert” 12″. Was hooked from there on.

  334. Ondina Cooper

    My current favorite Cure song is “A Letter to Elise” because I named my only daughter Elyse, after the song.

  335. Chris Pressnall

    Hard to pick a favorite but maybe Push given the extended intro and the lyrical content

  336. Pictures of you this song got me trough many a hard time everything about it is perfect been in many a dark place in my life and strange enough this song always made me feel good about myself

  337. Emmalee Wisecarver

    Hard to pick a favorite but I love A Strange Day, for the sound of it and the words.

  338. anthony detroia

    it can never be the sane ,i think this my favorite song of all , for one its new , 2nd keeps the flavor of the true cure sound , and 3 because the current line up

  339. Kismet Conrad

    This question always makes my head want to explode. It’s overwhelming to pick just one because you have to factor in my mood, day of week ,planetary alignment, lol. If I had to pick one, right now I’m feeling a bit ‘Shake Dog Shake’. I’m peeved about something and it helps me blow off the internal steam without messing up my hands. Ask me again in an hour and I’m sure it will change!


    Like Cockatoos because the beginning sets the stage, the mood and the atmosphere for eminent heartbreak. Still gets me every time.

  341. anthony detroia

    “it can never be the same”
    ,i think this my favorite song of all , for one its new , 2nd keeps the flavor of the true cure sound , and 3 because the current line up

  342. A Forest_
    For the perfect gothness of its powerful bassline…
    …play it loud!

  343. Carrie Thornton

    Disintegration. Everything that makes Robert Smith a genius is wrapped up in this song. The lyrics are raw, the building crescendo of the music. The desperation. It moves me to tears.

  344. Gremm Snyder

    My favorite song is “All Cats Are Grey” from “Faith”. For me it embodies the entirety of what The Cure are about. I love it.

  345. A Forest – because it is epic!

  346. “Just Like Heaven” because my mom introduced me to it and it gets better every time I hear it.

  347. Brandon Danz

    Plainsong!!! Hearing those sounds coming from the stage fills us with anticipation for the band’s entrance and ultimately, an insanely good show.

  348. Mr. Pink Eyes: It’s an amazing bit of jazzy punk and represents one of their least appreciated periods.

  349. Cindy Adair

    My favorite song is “Out of This World”. In the liner notes of Join the Dots, Robert says that “Out of This World” is probably the best song he has ever written, and I agree. <3

  350. Frank Agnone

    “Untitled” is a perfect culmination to an absolutely beautiful album. The Cure are the greatest band of their era.

  351. Michael Joncas

    So many to choose from … I will pick Shake Dog Shake as it was the opening song the first time I saw The Cure live. Those drums, that laugh followed by the heavy guitars and Robert spitting out a taste of his angst. Love it.

  352. Justin Taylor

    “Baby screams” a great song when feeling hopeless

  353. Plainsong. I like it so much that I’ve used a variation of it as an email address for over 20 years.

  354. “Thousand Hours” from Kiss Me album. It reminds me of this one particular cool Summer Day during my childhood when everything and everyone was simply perfect

  355. Victor Tolstoy

    “This Twilight Garden” is mellow, poetic and dreamy, a sort of sudden glimpse of light in the familiar darkness, no more drama, just melancholy…

  356. Steve Swider


    Never played live. Great song from original movie Judge Dredd with Sly Stallone. Inspirational lyrics.

  357. Joseph Benoit

    For me it always depends on the mood that I am in for what Cure I listen to.

    I do always find myself getting back to Shake Dog Shake as it just gets me up and moving.

  358. Friday I’m in Love because it makes me feel happy.

  359. Yikes – this is hard…To The Sky is probs my ultimate favorite, so I’ll pick that. This song (along with so many Cure songs) really just made me FEEL. The only way I could fall asleep during high school was by listening to Disintegration (the cassette) on alternating sides each night. The entire thing is just gorgeous. Halo is up there as well for my top songs…From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea, A Letter To Elise, Primary, Lovecats, The Blood, Inbetween Days, Catch, A Thousand Hours, Pictures of You, Plainsong, Never Enough…man choosing one is so hard. They have so many amazing songs in so many different ways!! I ❤️ The Cure!!

  360. “Pictures of You” because it restarted me realizing who I was.

  361. “all cats are grey”
    its tangible, visceral and utterly heartbreaking

  362. Jason Robinson

    “Just One Kiss” because it’s from my favorite Cure album (“Japanese Whispers”) and I love the lyrics. They’re so haunting!

  363. Raul Contreras

    “Want” a perfect powerful song from the wild mood swings album

  364. Derek Vosskuhler

    Plainsong. No explanation needed.

  365. Tracy Besenyodi

    “A Forest” has always been one of my favorites. It was one of the first Cure songs I ever heard. One listen to this band was all it took…still love them after all these years! We traveled to London for the 40th anniversary concert in Hyde Park. It was a night my family will remember forever.

  366. Tina Berger

    Fear of Ghosts. It hooked me the first time I heard it… so haunting yet beautiful. And the line “ The further I get from the things I care about, the less I care about how much further away I get …” is forever one of my favorite quotes. I have so many favorite songs of theirs but this one is always my go-to.

  367. I’d have to say In Between Days simply because that’s when I fully got into The Cure. I was 15 and that song and the entire THOTD record was everything to me as a teenager growing up in Bakersfield, CA.

  368. Estela Neri

    Halo because that is my wedding song

  369. Single: Just Like Heaven because it’s absolute perfection.

    B-side: La ment
    Album track: Untitled

    I don’t care if I win; having been a fan for so long is a prize in of itself. Grateful they’ve been my favorite band since ’85.

  370. One of my fave songs is “Closedown”
    It’s such a powerful song with a kind of cinematography sound on it, the drums and keyboards make you feel nostalgic. And the lyrics are simple yet beautifully executed . No other song makes me feel quite like this one. It doesn’t get old, it sounds like they could’ve drop it this year. Just brilliant !

  371. Lurance Johnson

    “Faith” it’s one of my favorite Cure songs of all time, but the best Cure song really depends on my mood on any given day.

  372. Eric Goedken

    “Pictures of You”
    It’s epic sadness!

  373. Jenevieve Kagaoan

    From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea because of its haunting lyrics and emotional almost angry guitar. I freaking LOVE IT!!

  374. Catch – somewhat atypical sounding for The Cure, but an absolutely perfect, beautiful song and EVERY time I hear it I’m glad I’m alive.

  375. All Cats are Grey – it’s the beautiful calm centerpoint of their most ambient album, Faith.

  376. Ian Christensen

    Prayers For Rain. The simplicity and repetition of the guitars and bass suck you in.

  377. El Arreglardo

    Three Imaginary Boys. So intense at live shows.

  378. Meaghan Hoogerwerf

    That is a tough question because they have so many amazing songs. The song that first comes to mind is “Charlotte Sometimes” because it so haunting and beautiful.

  379. In Between Days because that was the 1st cure song I ever heard back in the early 80’s. Every time I hear it takes me back to the good ole days, even though the song is sad.

  380. This is impossible, but today I will choose The Top, which I haven’t seen listed yet. It’s an amazingly dark and psychedelic song from an amazingly dark and psychedelic album. It’s an underrated epic that doesn’t sound like anything else other than The Cure.

  381. The Upstairs Room because it never fails to make me dance.

  382. My favorite song is “love song” I love listening to it if I had a bad day.

  383. Push – helped me get clean, 16 years now.

  384. Daniel G Anderson

    A Forest! The ultimate Cure song, one I can listen to again, and again, and again, and again, and again, well you know the rest.

  385. Stacey Jurgensen

    “Untitled”. Hearing it astonished me to realize nothing even needs a name needs to make you feel all the feels. Got me through high school.

  386. Walter Williams

    My favorite Cure song is “High” because in many different ways…for many different folks…on many different levels…it’s simply one of the best love songs ever written.

  387. Three Imaginary Boys because sing in my sleep sweet child the moon will change your mind

  388. Jennifer Peifer

    Halo. It reminds me of my husband and it is exactly how we feel about each other. It’s the happiest song I’ve ever heard and it always brings joy.

  389. Halo, it was my wedding song.

  390. Richard Shows II

    A Strange Day….just so atmospheric. Love the whole thing beginning to end.

  391. The Figurehead

    Sharp and open
    Leave me alone
    And sleeping less every night
    As the days become heavier and weighted
    In the cold light
    A noise
    A scream tears my clothes as the figurines tighten
    With spiders inside them
    And dust on the lips of a vision of hell
    I laughed in the mirror for the first time in a year
    A hundred other words blind me with your purity
    Like an old painted doll in the throes of dance
    I think about tomorrow
    Please let me sleep
    As I slip down the window
    Freshly squashed fly
    You mean nothing
    You mean nothing
    I can lose myself in Chinese art and American girls
    All the time
    Lose me in the dark
    Please do it right
    Run into the night
    I will lose myself tomorrow
    Crimson pain
    My heart explodes
    My memory in a fire
    And someone will listen
    At least for a short while…
    I can never say no to anyone but you
    Too many secrets
    Too many lies
    Writhing with hatred
    Too many secrets
    Please make it good tonight…
    But the same image haunts me
    In sequence
    In despair of time
    I will never be clean again
    I touched her eyes
    Pressed my stained face
    I will never be clean again
    Touch her eyes
    Press my stained face
    I will never be clean again
    I will never be clean again
    Source: LyricFind
    Songwriters: Laurence Andrew Tolhurst / Robert James Smith / Simon Gallup
    The Figurehead lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

  392. Andy Patterson

    “A Forest.” Absolutely transfixing…39 years and counting.

  393. How beautiful you are

    1: It is a perfect song for Roberts voice
    2: Its an oasis in that album, which is very varied
    3: Its a very clever (lyrically) how robert took the topic of a poem and made it his own
    4: Its just freaking beaufiful

  394. Bobbie Starr

    They’re all my favorite!
    There has never been a Cure song I haven’t liked.

  395. Cathy Strick

    In Between Days. My favorite part is when Robert comes in with the acoustic guitar. I smile every time I hear it.

  396. The Figurehead. I can still remember a specific moment at a party when I put on Pornography and found some lifelong friends. The Figurehead is unconventionally heavy and still takes me back to a dark time that I somehow have many happy memories from all these years later.

  397. Micheline Soder

    A Letter To Elise is my favorite.It’s like a song out of my life.

  398. Tony Alberico

    disintegration – because!

  399. Nathaniel Leas

    “100 Years”

    My fave could change any day of the week, but I thought of that one first ’cause I love the way the line “In a high building there is so much to do!” is shouted on the Concert version. Always loved what I perceived as the sarcasm of it. It felt like it applied to me – I’ve worked in tall buildings a lot.

  400. Chris Mitchell

    My favorite song is Bannafishbones. From the amazing circus sounding music, Andy’s crashing drums, and Robert’s dynamic vocal range. This is an incredible song from my favorite Cure album.

  401. Alberto Vazquez Nunez

    The same deep water as you. So melancholic and deep. Just amazing.

  402. ONE favorite song by The Cure?? Ugh! Disintegration. No wait! A Night Like This. No…..Last Dance. Hold on! A Forest. I CAN’T DO IT! There are too many great ones!

  403. Anastasia Baracos Tsouris

    It is nearly impossible to choose my favorite song by The Cure, but I would have to say that one song of theirs that particularly stands out to me is “If Only Tonight We Could Sleep”. The use of diverse musical texture sourced from a variety of cultures and musical styles is something that creates an enrapturing composition. This creates the perfect backdrop for Robert Smith’s brilliantly poetic vocals. I feel that he is the one and only musician who could think of such masterful and unique imagery and narratives in a song.

  404. My favorite song from The Cure is Charlotte Sometimes, because it was my first experience with The Cure. I can remember watching the video late one night on MTV when I was a kid and I fell in love. As I got older The Cure became a cornerstone for me in my life, and when the internet became available the first thing I did was join a Cure chatroom. The friendships I’ve made because of The Cure have lasted for 20 years now, and it all started with a little girl watching staying up late one night to watch music videos.

  405. TJ Brustowicz

    Picking one all-time favourite is damn near impossible, so I’ll go with my current fave, “Burn.” Their performance of that at Sydney Opera House earlier this year was a revelation, and it’s been a highlight each time I’ve caught it since watching one of the streamed live shows. It’s the essence of latter-day Cure.

  406. Greg Sennholtz

    Other Voices, has a cool simple bass line, Roberts haunting voice, and for me it’s hit home for me a few different times in my life. Where I have friends and family around me and you go through all the motions but still wanting or missing something in my life, feel alone even though I’m surrounded by people.

  407. Jenn Peterson

    “If Only Tonight We Could Sleep” is my favorite. It just conjures up such imagery. The intro gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.

  408. Liz Dorathy

    It’s impossible to choose one. Pictures of You, The Same Deep Water, A Night Like This, Disintegration all are linked with powerful memories, so one of those?

  409. Trust: my college boyfriend put it on mixtape to let me know if he wanted to take our relationship to another level…we were just friends at the time.

  410. Larry Berry

    ‘M’ is my favorite song from my favorite album. Haunting and beautiful, ‘Seventeen Seconds’ hits the mark!

  411. Adam Nachand

    I’ve flip-flopped on this so many times over the years, but I’m going with “A Forest”. This has been a favorite since I first watched In Orange in my basement on VHS as a teenager until I wore the tape out. It was even better because on their 2016 your in Denver, they played it, as usual winding down to Simon Gallup’s singular bass notes ringing out….except this time the notes kept going and picked up speed and Robert came back in on guitar, and the whole band started jamming for another 3 minutes! It was amazing to say the least…..until the next day at the airport when I went o board my flight back to Minneapolis, and THERE WAS SIMON waiting to board the same flight! I nervously thanked him for the show and he chatted with me for 10 minutes in which I asked him about A Forest. And he said they had never played it live like that before….they had just tried it out at soundcheck. So it was a true first for my favorite song!

  412. Jacob Brumfield

    Plainsong – the perfect mood setter for their perfect album.

  413. Michele Smolin

    So many to list but I will go with “In Between Days”. It’s just a perfect song, and is so quintessential.

  414. Just Like Heaven – the 1st Cure song I ever heard and is still my fave. They’re still on my bucket list to see live.

  415. Just Like Heaven…Love so many of their songs, but this has always been my favorite.

  416. jason burgess

    Apart from Wish. This song crushes your heart

  417. Randy Green

    From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea.
    Epic and so emotional.

  418. Matthew Bartynski

    The Forest – Incredible to see preformed live. I love how it starts off so simple and keeps building up to the climax and then it slowly goes back down to being simple at the end.

  419. Mark Borrelli

    “Plainsong”. It’s the single most beautiful song in the entire world. And I was lucky enough to know her in my life. Once.

  420. Doing the Unstuck is my most random “favorite” Cure song. There is obviously no way to pick a true favorite, because like the band, my favorite songs change with the different albums and my different moods. That song such a great one to sing in the car when you feel down on things.

  421. Angela Ramsey

    Pictures of you has been my favorite song since I was 16. The great first love!

  422. Jennifer Schaefer

    Lullaby is my absolute favorite. It is quintessential Robert Smith which showcases not only his dark and odd persona but his and the bands’ quirkiness. The music itself is sexy and reminiscent of my high school years. One of my top 5 bands that came out of the 80s.

  423. Dean Delgado

    “Cold” – simple structure, minimalist. Defines the image of The Cure and being on Pornography set the mold for the band.

  424. Angela Trupo

    I have to agree with “a few hours after this”. It is a perfect song.

  425. Tough call. It used to be Hot Hot Hot!!! But with time I think it’s now Fascination Street. From the drum beat to the bass line to the little guitar parts the song is just perfect.

  426. How Beautiful You Are has always been a favorite for the irony in the lyrics. And it is all so true and relatable, maybe even more now in our Kardashian-like society.
    Have loved the Cure since forever and would love this set! Love Robert’s personalty.

  427. Everyone knows their best song is Tape, it’s a classic :)

  428. Michael Burns

    Favorite album song…Push…best song on the best album…Head on the door

    Favorite concert song…A Forest…bum bum…bum bum…bum bum

  429. Elle Wakefield

    Favourite Song at this second would have to be Never Enough
    Firstly, because it’s playing in my head at this moment
    Second, because watching it performed live at Pasadena was beyond epic
    And the third reason would be just because it is just a fantastic song!

  430. Megan Clemens

    I Love The Cure because of my dad. He passed in 2014 after a heart attack. We always listened to The Cure, even when I was just a baby. Just Like Heaven was our song. We even danced to it at my wedding as he fought back the tears. I now have the lyrics tattooed on my arm. I love so many of their songs but that one has the most meaning I saw them a few years back in Denver and I wish that he could’ve been with me as he never got to see them perform live. Amazing show that my husband surprised me with tickets to!

  431. Kenneth Peterka

    Drowning man..its had me hooked first time I heard it…haunting yet so delicious.

  432. Deborah Milano

    Untitled. A beautifully somber ending to one of the most majestic albums I have ever heard. Perfection…

  433. Mine is “Fascination Street”, as it represents the strengths of each member on their best album.

  434. Today I’ll pick Fire in Cairo. Lots of good memories of yelling that chorus while driving around with friends.

  435. Noemi Daily

    I have a few Favorites but Burn on the Crow soundtrack is perfection. I absolutely love the lyrics!

  436. Drowning Man. It’s the penultimate track of Faith. The one song that encompasses despair completely.

  437. John Underwood

    “Plainsong”, just an amazing intro to an amazing album.

  438. Whitney Champion

    Letter To Elise – The passion and emotion Robert puts into singing this song just gets me every time.

  439. Marcelle Pulley

    I’ve had several favorites through the years and all for different reasons. If I had to only pick one, it’s definitely “A Forest” off of my favorite album Seventeen Seconds (that whole album is amazing!) I love a song that captures you right from the beginning and carries you all the way through-what I call a perfect song. “A Forest” is just that kind of song. It has the added value of being dark and creepy with killer bass and guitar riffs! This one gets an automatic replay every time. :)

  440. Matthew Bromagin

    Want from Wild Mood Swings. As soon as it started I knew Wild would be my favorite Cure album.

  441. How do you pick just one favorite?

    Its all depends on your or Roberts mood..

    For now “In Your House” from Seventeen Seconds… the song is the echos of the inside of a searching 16yr olds mind..

  442. I have been a fan of The Cure for 35 years and have seen them 57 times!! Although it changes from time to time, I’d say my favorite song is Drowning man because it literally saved my life.

  443. Splintered In Her Head. I only heard it after hearing a lot of their poppier stuff and was stunned to hear something so radically different and more twisted than what I had head before.

  444. James Leach

    “Plainsong“ and “Pictures of You” are a 1, 2 punch that kick off one of the most amazing albums of all time. I fell in love instantly. “Burn” is a very close runner up though. I’m gonna go listen right now!

  445. Matthew Jones

    In Between Days. The song is so happy. Always makes me smile.

  446. Gina Thomas

    I have to say Love Song because of all the memories attached to it. Also, it was the first Cure song i heard and i fell in love with their music through it.

  447. Rayline Anderson

    Kyoto’s Song

    There is just something about the music and the words that has always spoken to me, moved me. While there isn’t a Cure song I don’t like, Kyoto’s song always brings tears to my eyes….

  448. Boys dont cry.the cure are other band like them.their songs gave me salvation. Whenever I had low periods in my life.i would take myself off on my own and play their music .such a calming effect.listening to them play gave me the confidence to follow my dreams and determination to succeed. I studied for my nursing listening to their music

  449. Will Hancock

    Pictures of You…always reminds me of what could have been!

  450. Dane Miller

    Push- I think it’s the perfect blend of where they had been, and where they were going too. Plus it’s so badass live.

  451. Greg Lawson

    By far my favorite song is Burn. Absolutely amazing rhythm and beat. If I ever need an uplifting during the day, this song goes on. Excellent song of many from this superior band!!

  452. Brian Banning

    One hundred years. This is essential Cure right here!
    Beautiful song about the futility of life, love,
    and death.

  453. This is a really unfair question. How can one ask “What is your favorite song by The Cure”. Their songs are works of art that all build on each other to make up something bigger than anyone can imagine. Since we have to pick one, I will pick “To Wish Impossible Things” because of my current mood. The lyrics to that song really hit home and they are so beautiful/powerful not to mention the music that backs it up.

  454. Anja Treinen

    A Forest, just because it’s perfect. Close second: Shake Dog Shake.

  455. To The Sky

    To wrap up recording at Miraval in France they put this B side and a few others together. It’s more than a song, it’s my personal gem. It is the reason why The Cure is the best band.

  456. Alicia Maxwell

    Hard to pick just one…. but ‘From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea” gets me everytime!

  457. Gerald Kreienkamp

    My pick is “A Forest.” It’s the first song of theirs that I thought was a work of genius (to be followed by others). And each time I’ve seen them perform it live, it was absolutely killer.

  458. Priscilla Ott

    Pictures of You – because I have wonderful memories of slow dancing to it.

  459. Hanging Garden. Because it’s a great song and it sounds awesome through head phones……

  460. Elisabeth Smith

    Dressing Up. It shows all the peaks, valleys, and gorgeous uniqueness of Robert’s voice.

  461. Screw, definite favorite right now. It was one of their first songs I heard and it’s got all thing “Cure” in it. Love its freakiness.

  462. Carlos Cuellar

    A Forest… that guitar… and that bass… and the beat that just makes me dance.

  463. Primary, because it’s both subtle and unstoppable at the same time, Robert’s vocals are quintessential Cure, and the lyrics are unshakeable.

  464. Sinking
    How could they have known how it would feel 40yrs on?

  465. Fascination Street – moody, grown up sound that showed the band had matured significantly.

  466. Jeff Kohler

    To the Sky from the Join the Dots box set. It reminds me of an ex-girlfriend and was very instrumental in our reconciling after a breakup. A very beautiful song with beautiful memories.

  467. Let’s Go To Bed
    One of the first Cure songs I heard in college when it was released…loved the quirky lyrics and statement toward intimacy (and lack thereof). The opening lines are brilliant stage setters for the rest of the song. “Let me take your hand I’m shaking like milk. Turning turning blue all over the windows and floors.”

  468. Bret Harrell

    The Kiss

    Great guitar wailing. I can get lost in this song for hours. It’s the only song on my list that I haven’t heard live. Hint hint…

  469. Nicole marin

    Push and plainsong

  470. Untitled
    I always find myself going back to this one!

  471. A tie between Six Different Ways and All Cats Are Grey… Six Different Ways because it’s love that is juxtaposed with All Cats death toll. Love and death…and everything in between is life, is The Cure.

  472. Amanda Darby

    Just Like Heaven. It was the first song I heard from them and the first music video I saw by them….and in 1987 my 7 year old self was absolutely fascinated by The Cure. I have loved them ever since.

  473. "Chilly" Nylen

    “Sinking” because, more than any other song, the lyrics have always spoken to and for me at various points in my life… and it’s the one song that has alluded me every time I’ve seen my favorite band live…. maybe someday… I am slowing down . . .

  474. David Hurley

    Like Cockatoos, I love the sound.

  475. Vanessa Aguilar

    Lullaby- Very Poetic “don’t struggle like that I will only love you more”

  476. Pictures of You. A building block of the soundtrack to my dating youth. Felt everything he was singing.

  477. Aaron Benson

    “Pictures of You”

    It is the perfect crystallization of a that universal sense of loss, longing, and remembering of what was, what you wish could have been, and gradual acceptance of what will be. If there is one song that connects all Cure fans, I believe it could be that one because we all at some point have felt that ache of someone (friend, family, lover) no longer being in our life and the wish to do something differently to hold on to them a little longer. The music captures the very feelings in our hearts, while the words are exactly what we want to say… But what makes it the greatest Cure song of all, is the sense of acceptance and the ability to let go and move forward in the end, but to also never forget.

  478. A Forest. Just always gets me in a good mood.

  479. John Wr Johnson

    The Exploding Boy- the greatest single that never was. Catchy, charming and all around well crafted song. This along w Inbetween Days formed the perfect single

  480. High. No one said High. Whenever I hear it I can’t get that high.

  481. A Forest, for the moody intro and the deep driving bass

  482. My favorite Cure song is „Lament“. I like the melancholic sound. I hope they play it live again sometime.

  483. Cindi Mitchell

    A Forest! It rocks!! Great beat, love to dance to it, a bit dark , awesome song, a forest is only mentioned 1 time in the entire lyrics, its fun to try and catch that part when you’re rawking out to it!

  484. I don’t know if it’s my favorite, but “Catch” from Kiss Me X3, is always one to get me singing along with RS, smiling like a fool.

  485. Brandy McIntosh

    The Forest- it was a song way ahead of its time and it’s a song that even to this day I never get tired of hearing. it has morphed a bit into different tempos and different feelings but no matter when or where, it will continue to be at the top of my list.

  486. Brandy McIntosh

    A Forest- it was a song way ahead of its time and it’s a song that even to this day I never get tired of hearing. it has morphed a bit into different tempos and different feelings but no matter when or where, it will continue to be at the top of my list.

  487. The Lovecats and The Caterpillar because I listen to both nearly every day with my daughter.

  488. Sarah Enriquez

    My favorite song is “To with impossible things”. It’s beautiful and heartbreaking. My husband passed away and my impossible wish is to have him back.

  489. Craig DeGraff

    “A Strange Day” from Pornography. I love the melody and Robert’s vocals.

  490. Jeff Locher

    Fascination Street/A Forest are my two all time favorite Cure songs, why? The entire Disintegration record is very dark and macabre sounding and i think this was their best record because of it being so dark.

  491. Lavonne Dominguez

    “One More Time” has always sent love chills through my body and soul. Robert Smith’s voice haunts my heart in the best way

  492. Catherine Conway

    ‘Just Like Heaven’, I always get a little thrill when I hear that opening bassline kick in.

  493. Faith. It’s hopeful. It’s majestic. It gives you that glimpse of light when you don’t think there will be any. It’s a magnificent song.

  494. Kayla Garcia

    This contest is super duper hard…!!! (Insert Sigh Here)
    Really & Seriously 1
    A favorite geesh…
    It is THE CURE!!…
    Hellew Absolute creative genius with a catalog of masterpieces dating back to 1978.  Oh MY I have to pray… As I do not desire to mess this up as I ONLY have 1 chance to win. Yikes this has suddenly become stressful for someone like me; Literally… Oh how I feel like a hot mess or rather just a mess trying to articulate my favorite to you all.  Perhaps it will help to better understand me, #WindSwept

    Between Then
    Upon Now
    Far 2 much has happened
    Far 2 much taken
    No longer whole
    There is absolutely nothing
    No reason or anything left nor stays.
    2 old
    Only Static & Particle Dust
    Soon to be WindSwept
    Blowing away…

    So with this I must pick;


    the process of losing cohesion or strength.
    “the twin problems of economic failure and social disintegration”

    the process of coming to pieces.
    “the disintegration of infected cells”

    a process in which a nucleus or other subatomic particle emits a smaller particle or divides into smaller particles.

    I have those Twin Problems they/It NEVER goes away and No I am not a Gemini!!!

    Fact is maybe; It’s easier for me to get closer to Heaven Than ever feel whole again.

    Interesting how life and age can make 1 feel so utterly insignificant, overlooked and not cohesive. I identify and know with My Fellas The Cure I am NEVER ALONE I have their art to inspire me to keep breathing and looking onward in a hope of seeing MY Fellas The Cure again LIVE soon.


    Gratitude & Love … #INpiecesSF

    Kayla K.G. 415 San Francisco

  495. The Walk…It kept me sane for a year in high school to come home and put it on the stereo. I would dance out frustration to it.

  496. A night like this for its beautiful melancholy. Also, my band played it when i was young… i like to think i sang it better than Bob.

  497. Lullaby because the music is so beautiful and dreamy.

  498. Charlotte Sometimes

    It embodies everything I love about The Cure. It’s just always spoken to me.

  499. A Forest (quite frankly the whole 17 Seconds album) was way ahead of its time. It combined punk, dance, new wave, and goth. Whether you listen to the album or watch The Cure play this live, A Forest and the album continues to mesmerize from generation to generation.

  500. Michael Tribou

    A Forest is my favorite song by the Cure. The song changed over time and is a great way to see and hear the changes that the Cure went through over the years

  501. “Just Like Heaven” because well, like many of their songs, this tale tells of love lost in such a descriptive way that you feel like ur right smack in the middle of the ocean…beautifully depressing!

  502. Susan Parks

    Any and all

  503. Christopher Rackham

    1. 1,000 hours.. Staying up late as a 12yr old to hear college radio and this came on. My first exposure.
    I was blown right out of my chair. I’ll never forget.
    2. Same Deep Water as You: No other band has ever come close to how low and heavy this track is.
    3. Plainsong: A sonic masterpiece
    4. This Twilight Garden: one if the best love songs of all time. I probably have 9 copies of the high single in various formats

  504. Adrienne Beal

    It’s so hard to pick a favorite Cure song! They’re my favorite band since I was basically a kid and there are so many good ones. I suppose I’d choose Disintegration because it portrays so many feelings in so many sounds. How the end always is…..

  505. From the edge of the deep green sea. The layered sound starts off very soft but continuously build to a crescendo by the end, as always matching perfect with the story of the lyrics. Studio version, live version, it just doesn’t matter, every version is great. And seeing it live for the first time in 92 during the Wish tour will always me memorable.

  506. Just Like Heaven. Because it reminds me of my wife of over 20 years. When we met she lived in the US and I in the UK. There was no email back then so we used to write letters and I would send her mixtapes. This became her favorite song and still is.

  507. Chuck Flowers

    To The Sky – It has all of the elements that I like about Cure songs. Great instrumentation, melody, and vocals. Crazy that it was originally only available on a label comp.

  508. Brendan Ian Burke

    If this counts as a song:
    “Carnage Visors”
    It’s the perfect, late night, highway driving song.

  509. I think it’s very unfair that only U.S. fans can enter this competition! Still, The Cure are ours, all ours, not America’s, so I guess I and all the other English fans still win! Not only have I seen The Cure live 21 times, I’ve also met Rob and the boys several times so…lol, I can pay for my copy, I’m still far better off than all the Yank “Goths”…something ELSE they stole/copied from us.

  510. Beth Ann Deitzer

    I could listen to “Disintegration” for weeks….”untitled ” has always been the one that touched me. I live the gentleness of “Charlotte sometimes”…. They deserve every bit of press etc for this resurgence…I hope it will be appreciated by the next generation…ok, now I have to go make a playlist for the car

  511. Plainsong – It’s opening notes still send a warm electric chill through me and bring me back to 1989 when I was pressed up against the stage barrier at Giants Stadium with The Cure just a few feet above me and tens of thousands of fans behind me… oh it feels good to be 16 again.

  512. “Pictures of you” because it is the song that was playing when I met my now spouse in college. Every time it plays it takes me back to that magical moment.

  513. John Hamilton

    Primary. I always loved the guitar and Robert’s vocals

  514. Jason Shuttleworth

    The secret to The Cure’s success and longevity is the fact they are unique in songwriting and composition of their music, they don’t apply to a single genre in my opinion… a one off, there’s only a few bands that you can say that about. As for a favourite song that’s a difficult one… I’d say Let’s Go To Bed it’s a sort of deconstructed love song, brilliant word play within the lyrics

  515. Charlotte Sometimes because an excellent band introduced me to a wonderful book and author. Hearing that song evokes all the feelings of the song + all of the feelings from the book. Simply exquisite.

  516. “Disintegration” because it is the perfect song.

  517. A Forest.
    Such atmosphere. The Cure would go on to further develop this sound on Faith and Pornography but there’s just something so very special about this song.

  518. Audra Kelly

    “17 Seconds”…brings me back to my brooding, dark teenage years and reminds me how life can change instantly for the better.

  519. A Night Like This is my favorite song from The Cure. One can feel the dramatic sweep of the song from the opening notes that build up before Robert Smith even utters a word. The drama builds up as the song goes on before the saxophone break at the end of the song. It’s a balancing act of catchy and gloomy, much like the album where it comes from, The Head on the Door.

  520. Craig A Rymer

    “Harold and Joe”.

  521. Paul Foster

    My fave has to be “close to me” as it reminds me off my college days and all.the fun we had back then.

  522. Craig A Rymer

    …because I just love the feel of the song.

  523. Jeff Sturges

    A Forest because it epitomizes everything.

  524. I’m going to say All Cats Are Grey. Why? THAT bass sound.

  525. Ian Matthews

    ‘A Forest’ – first Cure record I bought and still a classic!

  526. Aaron Humphrey

    A Forest, Because its one of the few songs I can put on repeat and listen for and hour without getting sick of.

  527. Stacy Franck

    A Forest. I love all their live extended versions of it. It used to be the soundtrack for a recurring dream I had.

  528. Christopher Henry Wunker

    Just like heaven. It reminds me of the beginning of an ideal romantic relationship.

  529. One hundred years-such a powerful, emotional song. They play it with such emotion live, it cuts right through and gives me goosebumps every time!

  530. Hard to choose but really love the studio outtake of Primary from the Faith reissue. Slower, darker and druggier than the album version which I also think is great.

  531. Lauren Mathews

    Lovesong is my current favorite, it’s just such a sweet song with such deep meaning. especially knowing that Robert has been with his wife for so very long.

  532. Brian Decker

    “Pictures of you” is one of their best songs, and connected with me on a deep level in my “baby bat” era. The depth of emotion Smith displays as he yearns for a girl that all he has is the pictures of. That pain that he couldn’t find the right words to keep her with him, been there, done that, even today I can connect deeply with those words.

    Will always be one of The Cure’s best songs.

  533. Charlotte Sometimes is the greatest Cure song to me; although never appearing on a full length album outside of the singles collection, it to me encompasses everything about the early era of the Cure that is so amazing. It’s one of their darkest and dreariest songs but still has a catchiness to it, and that chorus!

  534. tawnya saracay

    i am going with Charlotte Sometimes. It is cool that it is based on a book and the song is just hauntingly beautiful.

  535. A forest. The best new wave, post punk song. Short rough and catchy!

  536. Eric J Alms

    “Last Dance” because it is perfect.

  537. In Between Days – a cheery melody with serious lyrics. I think the song epitomizes the Cure’s brilliance.

  538. All Cats Are Gray – Simply, its a great song!

  539. Gillian Phillips

    Lovecats! First song I learned how to play on the piano, and the music video is a guaranteed way to make me smile!

  540. A difficult task to choose a favorite, but I will have to go with “A Night Like This,” which can stop me in my tracks just about any time I hear it.

  541. Francisco Cruz

    Just like heaven – simply the best cjre pop song

  542. This is challenging because I have so many favorites but as of today, my favorite song is Prayers for Rain. The intensity of the thundering synths, the layers of interesting loops and gorgeous dark guitars alone are enough to make this a favorite- but then the lyrics take it to another level. This song has an entirely different meaning to me today than it did when I first listened to it 30 years ago and I think that’s pretty remarkable too.

  543. Simone Launerts

    Edge of the deep green sea Epic. Tragic. Brilliant.

  544. The drowning man. The Cure been my favorite band since i “discovered” music. That fabulous voice,the lyrics and the bass. 1st time i saw them live i had 13 years old at Disintegration tour

  545. Jeremy Rowley

    Faith. When you can close out a concert with a slow song… that is a special song, from a special band.

  546. My favorite Cure song is “Trust” because I had a relationship with a girl who didn’t believe I loved her and the song really hit home.

  547. Fascination Street – opening baseline and the particular time in my life

  548. Scotty Mitchell

    A Forest, only just.
    The first Cure song I heard and it hooked me literally for life.

  549. In Between Days. In addition to being a great song it made for a great cover by Luka Bloom.

  550. “Fascination Street” is beautiful and dark but leaving me with so much optimism.

  551. All Cats Are Grey melancholy and moody just how I like my Cure

  552. Roberto Delgado

    So hard to choose, but I’ll go with “Other voices”… that bass line is to me the ultimate Cure’s sound signature for that era (‘80 – 83).

  553. The Top has always been my favorite Cure album and my favorite song is Shake Dog Shake. I love the anger in the song.

  554. Stacey Reddick

    Just Like Heaven. Instant happy. Even in my darkest moments I know I can put this on and my heart is lifted. Has definitely got me out of some heavy hearted moments. Plus, how can you not love the video? It was from then on I wanted a love like Robert and Mary.

  555. Scott Isenhour

    My favorite song by The Cure is “Carnage Visors” because its the longest song that I’ve heard from them!

  556. Melissa Ramirez

    The song, “PLAY” is one of my MANY favorites. It is a song that My ex-husband played and asked me to listen to.. he said the words fit our situation perfectly. It is a sad, but honest song. People toy with eachother sometimes. I was young and foolish.

    Everytime I hear this song, I can feel what I felt that day in the car driving him home. He passed 11 years ago. Being older and wiser now sure makes me wish I could go back.

    The Cure was OUR THING. So many songs with a special meaning.

  557. Jeff alexander

    Like cockatoos
    It the perfect song. In love or in death

  558. “Untitled” from Disintegration. It’s so beautiful, simultaneously uplifting and sad. But a close second is “A Forest”, which is their best live song every time I’ve seen them.

  559. That’s a difficult one, I’ve been following the band since my 20s for me it would be something from the early albums, a forrest is a good one, or jumping someone else’s train but if I had to pick a favourite it would be the title track from the first album three imaginary boys

  560. A Man Inside My Mouth….B Side of
    “Close to Me”
    I didn’t come out until the 90’s but this song resonated with me in the 80’s.
    Go figure.

  561. My favorite Cure song has to be “A Night Like This” because it reflects the sweet sorrow and manic desperation that comes with lost love. When the “Staring at the Sea” VHS comp come came out in the pre-“Kiss Me” era, the video for this song was playing while a girl I was crushing on told me she’d just found a new boyfriend. So well written and crafted, I play this song acoustic regularly as part of my Nashville-based solo sets. Thanks!!

  562. Just Like Heaven.

    It takes me to a very specific time in life. Reminds me of friends and good times. And that video… perfect

  563. Paul Cardaropoli

    My favorite Cure song is A Forest, I have loved this song since the first time I heard it in 1988 and have every remix of it. I pursued a girl once and this song was the fitting anthem during the attempted courtship.

  564. Roy Claybrook

    Harold and Joe. No matter what when I hear that song it will bring a smile to my heart.

  565. Disintegration because it makes me feel the most beautiful pain…the pain of life that lets me know I’m alive.

  566. “From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea” because it is a schorchingly hot rock song with a psychedelic guitar solo, and because it is a direct evolution of the story in “Just Like Heaven.”

  567. Amber Smith

    Close to me. My bestfriend and I habe that tattooed. I love all the songs.

  568. “A Night Like This” – it has all the ingredients of a great Cure song: foreboding, despair, catharsis. And the sax solo is amazing. My band Roar The Engines covers this song once in a while to end our shows. A perfect song.

  569. loren guerra

    “A Forest”. It’s so deep, rich, melodic, and transfixed. ‘Killing An Arab’ is another. I know it’s not PC or correct for today’s climate, but the song, regardless of the name or lyrics, is so raw and had a unpolished. Both songs were a heavy influence on my youth.

  570. One Hundred Years…..its dark, grim and moody…..everything that makes the Cure great!!!

  571. Paola Pedranti

    One of my favorites is Disintegration, because of how beautifully it captures that feeling of falling apart, despair, and hopelessness. Listening to it has helped me through some dark times and has helped me to stay alive.

  572. The Same Deep Water As You. I found The Cure around this time and Disintegration will always be their top album for me and their period I like best. This song kills me every time I hear it.

  573. shane calhoon

    Plainsong is the perfect start to any Cure show!!

  574. “Here’s another song about cats!”

  575. Charlotte Sometimes..such a haunting song that reverberates deeply

  576. Push

    Just saw them play it live this past week at ACL–Amazing!!!

  577. Craig Stelle

    Boys Don’t Cry

    I cut my teeth on the Cure when I was 14. That was in 1988. I love this song, always have. The Cure helped me through some very tough teenage years!

  578. Mint Car – It’s all I ever wanted!

  579. Young-eun Lee

    I love every song of them, but if I have to pick my favorite The Cure song, it will be A Forest. I love how every word in it is talking to me.

  580. Sean McLaughlin

    Disintegration… It was a tumultuous time in my life when it came out. It seemed like Robert had crept into my subconscious and penned the lyrics from what he had seen… Bizarre, huh? LOL…

  581. Just like Heaven. Because it’s such a greatly written song; that it just takes you away and makes you feel like you can do anything after listening to it.

  582. “Man Inside My Mouth”

  583. “Where the Birds Always Sing” is a clear, concise assessment of the nature of the world and our desire to find a “grand plan” in the randomness of the universe.

  584. Jeff Willson

    The Upstairs Room. It’s probably the only sexy Cure song. And it was the b-side of The Walk which was when I got into the band.

  585. Lara Bellistri

    The Caterpillar is and always will be my favorite song by The Cure.
    When I was a teenager I would dance to it in the living room of my parents house. Then I grew my wings and flew away.
    When I became a mother I introduced the song (and The Cure) to my children. We would dance together to it in the kitchen but now they are starting to grow their wings and fly away…soon I be dancing by myself again

  586. Heather Harrison

    “Let’s Go To Bed”
    It was so different at that time and what was 1st thot by lyric had a total different meaning

  587. Neda Sadeghian

    My favorite Cure song has to be “Why Can’t I Be You?” Every second of that song makes me smile and want to dance. We all know and appreciate the fact that Robert Smith and The Cure have created the most deeply beautiful and emotionally layered songs but I have to go with a song pick that shows the incredible range of ability they have to not only understand the deeper, darker, more emotional parts of being human but also the sheer joy, bubbliness and lightheartedness of it all as well. “Simply Elegant!”

  588. A Strange Day. It just never can be overplayed. I listen to it everyday at work, and it helps me get through it all.

  589. Open. The music, the lyrics.. it’s my social anxiety and the numbing of repetitive everyday life.

  590. A Forest. I first heard it on a mix tape given to me as a farewell gift from my first love. Over thirty years later the opening notes bring me back to the day I first heard it and the state of mind I was in.

  591. So hard to pick just one… but I’ll say Let’s Go to Bed because it was a game changer in their development and artistic expression.

  592. Jack Watters

    “Halo” is a b’side and my favorite Cure song. It has a great bass line (a feature in every great Cure song) and distinctive beautiful piano melody. The lyrics are sentimental and resonated with me at the time of it’s release.

    So, so great!❤❤❤

  593. Greyson Stoehr

    I love A Night Like This…and then, of course, A Forest.

  594. This is impossible, but today it’s “The Same Deep Water As You”. It has some of the best lyrics and the music is a perfect mood piece.

  595. Boys Don’t Cry. It just speaks to the boy still in a 42 year old man. I would listen to that over and over as a ten year in the late eighties. Probably the only band I’ve listened to consistently since a kid. I will never tire of their music.

  596. PUSH

    This has always been one of favorites. It’s vibrant and motivates me when I here it.

  597. Christopher S

    Dang, this is a tough one. Why Can’t I be you was a staple during college… Definitely stuck with me as a fav.

  598. Jordan Birchall

    Friday I’m in love because of the lyrics a feel good song with very clever lyrics

  599. Michael McCluskey

    My very favorite Song is Plainsong. Beyond opening the album that kept me alive during a coma in the early 1990s, only because it was a vital part of my brainsoul, also being the most amazing way I’ve ever known to express the intimacy of a couple, it is a musical masterpiece.

  600. Will Morris

    Halo. It is a B-side that my wife and I were going to have at our wedding…until my mother-in-law replaced all of our music with the soundtrack to the Phantom of the Opera. She means well but Anne and I still consider Halo, our song!

  601. Matt Burris

    “One Hundred Years” was the soundtrack to a teenage Detroit skate trip and Depeche Mode concert weekend back in 88.

  602. Twilight Garden is the best love song ever written

  603. Chris Waldrip

    “Pictures of You” because it reminds me of an old lost love of mine…

  604. Sean Montague

    Three Imaginary Boys.
    The bass line and the vocals are extraordinary!

  605. Push it is arguably one of the most upbeat and uplifting songs of all time, I defy anyone to not feel in better spirits after this, oh and sing it all day after hearing it

  606. Shake Dog Shake – Love this rocking out track. It was the first song I heard after listening to all the slow early stuff. Love it!

  607. William Hyden

    Breathe, because it has an undeniable beautiful air that makes it so special and it was the first Cure song that made me understand how important their music is to me.

  608. richard perez

    Fascination Street, because the hypnotic bass line and it is one of the first songs I got down on bass when learning how to play bass.

  609. Primary

  610. Dereald Means

    Fight! From Kiss Me, Kiss Me Kiss Me. It really pumps me and make me ready for a crazy work day.

  611. Love cats…. I love the imagery and tip toe slinkyness of this song.

  612. Heather Crane

    A Night Like This. I’m not sure exactly what it is about it that makes me feel all the feelings. It’s just beautiful.


    “Edge of a Deep Green Sea” because it’s such a journey. I love the atmosphere.

  614. Disinteration

    Just a song with a deep meaning.

  615. The Forrest – it takes me to another place, it can be fun and it can be scary depending on your mood.

  616. Scott Hampton

    There’s no way I could pick just one favorite, but I will say that I think that “Disintegration” is the perfect song. A rich hook and upbeat tempo set the foundation for some of Robert’s best lyrics ever written. It’s the passion in his voice as the song progresses that really seals the deal. The song doesn’t need a repetitive chorus as the story unfolds.

  617. Guillaume Landry

    Faith form the album of the same title.

    This song has saved my life in helping me cope with difficult times. It is so well mixed and it just creeps on you while sweeping you off from your feet. It is always painful and soothing to listen to for me still to this day. As if the whole existence of everything resides within this one song. Just a beauty. I also just love the sounds and the subtle synthesizer line that is like a counterpoint to the melody as well as the bass vi played by Robert Smith and that kind of Flangy drumset with pre delay. I believe it to be a masterpiece and a song that somewhat announced the coming of Pornography.

  618. “Faith.” It is The Cure.

  619. Jeff Schall

    “Maybe Someday”

    It’s impossible to choose a favorite, but I’m going with this one, since it was the song to really get me into the band when I heard it on the radio almost 20 years ago.

  620. Deone Monson

    Cut Here is the song that I listen to almost daily. It speaks to me and reminds me to embrace and make time for relationships especially with people dear to me. 10 years ago my Mom passed away unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm. I wasn’t expecting to lose her so young. I never want to say “If only” again because it truly “is a wish too late.”

  621. Matt, that is a tough one because The Cure, to me is the second favorite band of all time to me, after the Smiths. But if I was deserted on an island with only one song from the Cure, it would be…..A Forest! Each and every time I hear it, it just simply takes to me to a place where I feel safe, secure, loved and appreciated. That is the simple truth….

  622. My favorite has to be The Love Cats:

    “We’re so wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully
    Wonderfully pretty!
    Oh you know that I’d do anything for you”

    Does anything capture our teen years so perfectly?

  623. John Aguilar

    Plainsong- It’s love captured in art

  624. Shon Downing

    Siamese Twins. Simply it was the first song that I’ve ever listened to that made me cry.

  625. Katie Hornberger

    Jumping Someone Else’s Train is the perfect ‘80’s beat that still makes me smile every time I hear it.

  626. Michelle Rittel

    Charlotte Sometimes – because have you ever listened to Charlotte Sometimes? It conjures all sorts of complicated feelings. It sticks with you when it ends. It’s a song I will listen to repeatedly because it makes me feel.

  627. A Letter to Elise because it was my mother’s favorite.

  628. Odette Bishop

    Disintegration- I remember the first time hearing that and the explosion of the music. It was part of me in high school.

  629. Pictures of you, Glasgow 2019 was the first time I’ve seen the Cure and bloody brilliant, but the main reason is my wife said so, and to the Cure thank you

  630. Pictures of You!

    Remembers me of a person that I cared so much about. We were both in a wrong place mentally at that time so we let each other go! Wish we could have open up to each other and talk our emotions through.

  631. Dan Schmidt

    Just Like Heaven because it takes me back to my favorite decade and reminds me of the great relationships I had in those days

  632. Ann McNicol

    Close to me because no matter how hard I try I cant hear it without seeing the comb plucking from the video and it instantly makes me smile.

  633. Kristi Forrest

    How to choose a favorite, but I would have to say ‘Screw’ really got into my head at an impressionable time. My 16 year old mind was mesmerized by the jangly bass line and the underlying sexiness of the lyrics. That song turned the Cure from serious to sexy and I liked it!

  634. Steve Lawson

    Killing an Arab was my introduction to the Cure back in the mid/late eighties and I’ll always remember because it was one of the songs that led me to join the ranks of the Goth and opened up avenues of different music to a guy raised in southern Missouri.

  635. I love so many of your wonderful songs… but my favourite is Cut Here….I think because it holds so much meaning …. it reminds me to cherish the people I love while I can…

  636. Untitled from Disintegration. The last song on the album with out a name. Speaks to me in a way that connects a memory to a melody. The lyrics speak of looking back at a relationship and a lost opportunity to say things that were wanting to be said. The idea of the devil eating away at my heart speaks to me what was keeping one from being able to say the words. Drugs? Alcohol? Depression? Fear? Rejection?

  637. Christian Bell

    “Close to me” was my first introduction to The Cure thanks to MTV and 120 Minutes. :) Always loved the bass line in the song. “The Head On The Door” still remains one of my favorite Cure releases.

  638. Jason Silvia

    Just Like Heaven. It’s the perfect pop song. The End.

  639. I wouldn’t say it’s their beat song but it’s one that I hold close to my heart. “Catch” I would put on the vhs my older brother gave me and watch it with this girl I was crushing on really hard. We started making out during that song and when ever I hear it I think of her and how I was such a pup in love. (I was in my early 20s)

    But in all reality, when I was in the 3rd grade My brother drove us to school and that’s when I first heard the cure and it’s actually the first real band that I remember liking. The moment of growing from a little child into a bigger child.

  640. A forest. SImply, incredible, perfect!

  641. Heather Petersen

    Charlotte Sometimes…lyrically is just a beautiful song…I ❤ the darkness of it. I will add that there is NO Cure song that isn’t my favorite

  642. Doesn’t get any better than “burn”!! It’s all the feels

  643. Kevin Donavan

    A Forest is the best Cure song. I saw them perform it live in concert in 1987. I had been a casual fan at the time and I was completely blown away. Bought up the entire catalog afterwards.

  644. Shane Madgett

    I’ve loved the cure since seeing them at Canada’s wonderland in 1986. Seeing blu-rays of their recent live excursions would be a trip and a half.

    I hope I win :)

  645. “How Beautiful You Are” First off, “You want to know why I hate you? Well I’ll try to explain” Brilliant! Sonicly (real word?) it hooks you with that guitar and then the concertina? is unique and attention getting. The story is great, and with the upbeat music you get that the character was once happy, and is now angry that was was so happy and is now miserable.

  646. Shane Poirier

    Definitely ‘From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea”. This is a song that has such a strong sense of urgency that it outdoes almost all their other intense songs. Only a few songs compete – 100 Years and Disintegration also come close. It is my favorite Cure song, and it was written in what I consider to be their best era. I think they have played this every tour since ‘Wish’, so I would assume it may be a favorite of Mr. Smith as well.

  647. The Caterpillar. The unique way the different instruments are played and even the way Robert Smith sings on this particular song, are all done in a playful and memorable way that makes this one single song a standout from their vast catalog of amazing music.

  648. From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea, the one song that will always, anywhere, and anytime bring me to tears. The most perfect song ever

  649. Augusto Crousillat

    A letter to Elise. Greatest love song ever written! So much feeling and emotion!

  650. My favorite Cure song – “Pictures of You”
    The first true love song that really made an impact on me, and every time I here it, I fall in love with my wife all over again.

  651. Same Deep Water as You – Very few songs in the world can put you in a trance and make you feel. This one does.

  652. I have two favorite songs by them, I will go with the one that most effected my life:

    Fascination Street. I grew up in small desert town in Southern California where all we had to listen to was top 40 pop or country music radio. We didn’t have MTV, so as far as I knew music wasn’t my thing. It just didn’t interest me at all. In 1989 we moved to a slightly larger desert town and I was introduced to MTV… suddenly the music world opened up to me. Now I had heard (on the pop radio station) ‘Just Like Heaven’ (my other favorite song), but I had never seen a video by The Cure so I had no visual reference. The the video for Fascination Street came out and rocked my world. Suddenly I found music and visuals that matched what was happening in my head. The dark, driving rhythms, the pleading lyrics and a vocal performance unlike anything I’d ever heard, the dark overlapping visuals and color palette… a band that looked and sounded like nothing I’d ever heard before. I was 14 and my mind was blown.

    My parents and grandparents were confused as to what the hell I was into, but since I was a good kid and a REALLY good student they let me do and listen to what I wanted. I met like-minded individuals in school, and the rest is history. They’ve been a mainstay in my life ever since.

  653. Primary because it’s epic.

  654. Becky Johnson

    In Between Days is my favorite. Followed closely by Burn and Facination Street.

  655. At Night – A minimalistic song that is haunting and claustrophobic.

  656. Kimberly Blodgett

    This is a tough question because there’s so many, but Fascination Street is one of my favorites because it reminds me of my husband.

  657. So many great songs by a great band, but the track I have been listening to most lately is “Out of this world”. Just a beautiful track with melancholy lyrics and vibe.

  658. Guillaume Philippe

    Boys don’t cry, because.

  659. I would have to say “the blood”
    Because it really combines many elements that make the Cure so unique. The dismal overtones t,he dark lyrics the flamenco guitar

  660. Piggy in the mirror means the world to me.

  661. Roger Jr Mercier

    Like Cockatoos

    For me it is just a magical song, like so many others on KMKMKM. It takes me back 28 years instantly when I hear it…high school years…listening with a black light on and losing myself into another world…

  662. Ben Wilkinson

    My favorite song is definitely Push. Every time I hear it I instantly feel great, and every time I’ve seen them play it live it’s the highlight of the show. It’s an amazing pop song.

  663. Lullaby. Because I was a kid who didn’t fit in, listening to music I didn’t get to try to fit in, living a life at school I hated and didn’t fit in to. I heard that single on the radio, then saw the vid on The Chart Show, went and bought the 12″ from HMV and never looked back. Total game changer.

  664. My favorite song by The Cure is Lullaby. It was the first song I heard by them, and it was unlike anything I had ever heard before. Plus Robert Smith’s vocals are amazing on it.

  665. Lullaby is my favourite Cure song. I heard it for the first time when I was about 6 years old, and thought nothing of it. It wasn’t until I was 11, Lullaby suddenly started playing in my head. I don’t know where it came from, as I hadn’t heard it since I was 6! I remember going into Woolworths and seeing The Cure – Greatest Hits and asking my parents “Can I buy this album? I think there’s a song on it I like” and bought the first album I’d ever bought with my own money, and sure enough, track 10 was the song that had been stuck in the back of my head from the age of 6 and I have been a HUGE fan ever since.

  666. Jean-Marc TRIBILLAC

    “One hundred years”, of course
    Undoubtedly, one of the most dangerous dives in deep & dark rock waters. I was at the Cure concert in Hyde park, and we all dived.
    It doesn’t matter if we all die…
    So we dove all together for the eternity.

  667. Plainsong. The beginning of the song just swells up in my chest. There are very few lyrics but they are exacting. Bonus – Robert Smith’s smile ❤️

  668. Only US fans! Bah!
    Still I have too hard a time narrowing it down to one song. Right now I’ll say Kyoto song…ask me tomorrow it will be something else!

  669. Catch
    Reminds me of my first love when I was 16, driving my convertible, and hanging with my friends at the beach…and I remember the night I bought the album when it first came out so many years ago.

    Though you didn’t ask, it’s my vote for the best album. I listen to that album more than I care to admit. As someone else said, it’s an album in which the songs mean differently through the passing of the years.

  670. Push – starts strong and never lets up

  671. So many favorites! Probably Close to Me – because it reminds me of hiding in big, black, fuzzy sweaters… which is also my favorite activity.

  672. Bill Vaglia

    Killing an Arab cause it has a driving almost punk beat to it. Song of its time….

  673. Andrea Smith

    Tough choice, although I love the driving base of “Fascination Street”, I adore “Pictures of You”, it will play at my funeral.

  674. I was a sophomore in high school and a new friend gave me a mixtape with a bunch of hardcore punk. In the middle of all of it was Play For Today and Jumping Someone Else’s Train. I handed him a new tape the next day and asked if he’d load it with The Cure. So, Play For Today is my favorite because it was my gateway.

  675. Dan Barringer

    My favorite Cure song is “If only tonight we could sleep”. It’s so full of raw emotion and every time I hear it, it takes me back to a time in my teenage life that was full of raw emotion and turmoil. The song conveys to me the longing for an escape from the chaos that is life to spend an eternity in the arms of a lover…I think everyone can identify with that sentiment. Anyway, every time that I hear it in my car, I have to belt out my best rendition and I still get goosebumps when I hear it.

  676. In Between Days will always be a sentimental favorite—the first Cure 7” single I bought. A perfect under three minute pop song in addition to having a great B-side.

  677. Ed Francisco

    Push from “Head On The Door”. Such an energetic song, and one of the highlights of any live Cure set.

  678. Disintegration, such a powerful and sad song. Not sure if I like the Entreat or album version better.

  679. Michael Novean

    A Forest. Great bass line and it was IMHO the best song they played live when I saw them on tour in the late 80’s/early 90’s. I love how it starts plainly, builds and builds in scope, and then closes so minimally. It is still great live even if it isn’t being played for 12-15 minutes any more.

  680. Sara Thompson

    Pictures of You, because that’s all that I have left.

  681. Love Song,..this was the first time I had ever heard of The Cure and I played it on a jukebox, will never forget that experience and how I went on to love their music and performances in Dayton Ohio and Chicago Illinois! Well deserved entry into Rock Hall, Truly they are artists who touch your soul

  682. Rodnie Matute

    Catch because it has violin and what was a vague story in my innocence when I first heard it at 12 years old. Literally thought Robert Smith was just rolling around on the floor with his girlfriend, lol!!!

  683. Sinking – ’cause it’s me…

  684. Fascination Street, though I love the whole album Disintegration. Saw it live and loved it on its entirety from the first listen.

  685. Ale Cerouno

    PLAISONG, for that epic quietness and the lyrics, so simple and sharp.

  686. Liz Holland

    A Forest is my favorite Cure song!! It’s just beautiful and takes me to a peaceful place when I listen to it!!

  687. Laura Brown

    I love all of Distagration. But on weekends I would have to say LoveCats. The cure got me through high school.

  688. Laura Brown

    OneHundred years

  689. Laura Brown

    I love all of Distigration. But on weekends I would have to say LoveCats. The Cure got me through high school.

  690. A Forest , the first time I heard the song I had to listen repeatedly. I love Slicing Eyeballs, the information you give is spot on, and consistently ell done.

  691. While Perfect Girl and 100 years are great. It’s gotta be “Primary”. If that opening riff and flange guitar don’t get you, then you don’t get The Cure.

  692. Christopher Bloom

    My Cure “top five” would be about 12 songs tied for the fourth and fifth positions and a near-tie for first between “A Strange Day,” “All Cats Are Grey,” and the full-length version of “Just One Kiss,” which has been my personal favorite for at least the last decade. It’s the perfect Cure song for me, because it’s romantic but sad, clear but inscrutable, and an epic-length pop song, all in one. It manages to crystallize almost everything I love about the Cure.

  693. My favorite Cure song of all time is Prayers for Rain. Of all the songs that can break me then put the pieces back together, that is the one I always return to time and again!

  694. Nancy Tomei

    Untitled! It exemplifies Robert’s ability to capture the feeling and heartbreak we feel when relationships are finished and strangely undone. So many Cure songs are relatable, but Untitled stings in a way that people of all ages can relate and feel it. Bravo to this often overlooked gem!

  695. Pamela Johnson

    How beautiful you are! The lyrics are pure poetry. It came out when I was in high school, and I did a paper in the lyrics for an assignment to analyze a poem. I thought it was pure beauty. The rest of my class thought I was just weird, but then and now, I see it as a beautiful and true sentiment!

  696. Jon E. Flick

    “Why Can’t I Be You?”
    I had just met my future wife in 1987 and this song summed out how I felt about her. 25 years of marriage later, I still do.

  697. Rob Gonzalez

    Disintegration. I just love getting lost in the bass line. It’s a close contest with A Forest.

  698. pictures of you! It’s been one of my favorite songs for about thirty years.

  699. Michael DiSciullo

    “Plainsong” because it is one of the greatest of all album openers on one if the greatest of all albums; gorgeous, dramatic, and a perfect encapsulation of everything The Cure were trying to do at that point

  700. It’s gotta be “Pictures if You”. Great song to just mellow out with.
    Still have my concert t-shirt from back in the day. What great memories!!

  701. Amanda Lewington

    My absolute favourite Cure song is World War. I heard 10.15 Saturday night in a shop when I was about 12 (?!) And bought the Boys don’t cry cassette from Our price with my paper round money. World war blew me away and I’ve been hooked since <3

  702. “To Wish Impossible Things”, only because that describes trying to pick just ONE Cure song as a favorite.

  703. The Kiss …. the most impressive Wah wah – Record Opener ever

  704. How Beautiful you are! … did work well in a playlist for my girlfriend

  705. Pictures of you!
    What a flow of dense music

  706. Leonard Martinez

    Plainsong because it is so grandiose and masterful.

  707. Kim Birrell

    LoveSong will remain my favorite it was the only song I could play that would calm my daughter when she was a baby

  708. Eric Miller

    Disintegration, it has been my go to song whenever I am in need of a pick up, and it’s just a phenomenally written song!

  709. Burn, because it perfectly fits the mood of The Crow and enhances the viewing rather than distract from it.

  710. “A Forest” is my favorite song by The Cure. It has a cinematic quality and the chord changes never fail to move me.

  711. “How Beautiful You Are” from Kiss Me x3. It’s melodic and dreamy, with a touch of angst (“You want to know why I hate you, well I’ll try to explain…”). It’s everything that represents The Cure!

  712. A Strange Day.
    To me this song represents the temporary nature of everything and reminds us not to get attached but to learn to flow with the natural current of life

  713. Alexander Bruheim

    Loads of great songs, but The Loudest Sound was the particular song that accompanied a moment of perfect harmony, understanding, peace and the whole universe coming together some years back.

  714. So hard to choose, however “Plainsong” stands out as a masterpiece from the band – one of the most epic album openers I’ve ever heard, and was a gateway to getting into ambient and shoegaze music.

  715. Ashland Cross

    Jumping someone else’s train — the way the energy through the song changes, mixed with the lyrical sharpness, everything about it is Smith and co. at their early perfection.

  716. Since I have to choose, at this moment, I choose Disintegration. The raw frustration and urgency… the emotion in that song surpasses what a song can normally convey.

  717. Brandy Easley

    “In Your House”. Listed on the track form the Seventeen Seconds album, symbolizes the true Gothic art of what The Cure stands for with its melancholic euphoria and Smith’s guitar riffs. An underrated song that didn’t receive the recognition it deserved. Long live The Cure!!

  718. Olga Martinez

    Untitled for the emotions that it invokes. The opening notes wash over me with a soothing deep sadness that continue to build til the end. Not that it makes me sad but rather it feels like its giving the deep sadness within a big tight warm hug, if that makes any sense at all.

  719. Nicole Matero

    Pictures of you is my favorite just because it is a beautiful romantic song.

  720. Kristi Smouse

    There are too many, but Just Like Heaven is a favorite because it’s the very first song of The Cure I ever heard, and they have been my favorite band since. Pictures of You is another favorite because it’s just a beautiful song, and the same for Untitled. Catch is another. One of my all time favorite lyrics is from Catch, “and her eyes would go all sort of far away, and stay like that for quite awhile.” LOVE THEM ❤️

  721. Sara Sifuentes

    love Disintegration

  722. “Plainsong”. -Plainsong is an experience. It’s opening a music box and being taken inside. Perfect opening for a perfect albumn.

  723. Istvan Gulyas

    My absolutely favourite Cure-song is A Forest. Because its dark attitude, the legendary riff plus I played it live with my band called Last Dance With God just twenty years ago…

  724. Shaun Nelson

    Best song: The Big Hand. Why? Best B-side The Cure has ever made.

  725. “Plainsong.” It will always remind me of my best friend from high school, who passed away unexpectedly several years ago. We were two outcast kids in a small, rural Pennsylvania town, and one of our favorite things to do was drive through the cornfields at night blasting that song out the car window. It made us realize that we wouldn’t be stuck there forever, and that there was a whole big, beautiful world out there waiting for us.

  726. Never Enough as they’ve never rocked so hard through the haze of a kaleidoscopic guitar trip.

  727. Fascination Street.
    Amazing music. No vocals until almost halfway through the song. My go to song regardless of how I am feeling. Lifts me up when I am down, calms me down when I am too up, just right for the volume set to 11.

  728. Chris Fournier

    Kyoto Song from the album The Head on the Door. This song has pulled me out of what seemed to emptied, bottomless drought. The Cure has done so much, but this, is my reminder that nothing is worth ending.

  729. Stephen Kolar

    I’ll put down “The Upstairs Room” as my favorite. It captures those magical playful nights of youth in love, out with friends, with the cynicism and mistakes that go along with decisions made. Evocative imagery in the lyrics that outdo some later beautiful songs.

  730. Sylvia Davila

    Best Song, hmm! God, I almost love all of the Cure songs ever made.
    – A Letter to Elise
    – From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea Both songs bring back bittersweet memories of relationships from a very long time ago. These songs make me feel as if the band knew me personally and knew the heartache that I had felt in the past. Because of how much this band’s lyrics speak to me on a personal level. I truly love this band and the songs that they brought to this world.

  731. Brandon Hurley

    I’d have to, like make of the posters, go with “A Forest”. It’s such a simple song yet there’s so many little things going on that give it depth. One of my favorite solo’s by Robert and a song that has so many different live versions. I love how malleable the song is in the hands of whatever lineup of the Cure happens to be in existence.

  732. Melissa Lindenbaum

    Hands down Disintegration! It’s intensity hits every nerve in my body and resonates with my mental health struggles.

  733. Fascination Street. There’s a lot of great Cure songs especially on Disintegration but this is my favorite. Back in pre-internet days we had a lot less information but lots of rumors and 1 was Disintegration meant the end of the Cure – happily we were way off with that one!

  734. Lovecats
    There wasn’t a school disco that everyone didn’t get up to dance to this in the 80s .. we move like caged tigers … the lyrics are fun the music is great. We miss you hiss you and the video was brilliant especially Robert Smith with the kittens. It was the song that so many ‘discovered’ the cure because of. It’s pure 80s in a song. I dare anyone to put it on and not sing along

  735. From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea and Untitled are my absolute favorite songs!

  736. Paul Bowden

    Plainsong! Opening track on Disintegration… need I say more? Ok, because it’s so epic & beautiful & inspiring & hopeful & so full of sound!

  737. Rob Netherton

    Pictures of You — beautiful soundscape and makes me think of my wife. Bonus pick… Burn — intense and epic melancholia.

  738. Fascination Street, always been my go to song through my teenage years and was so great it was also covered brilliantly by the late great Chris Cornell.

  739. Christopher True

    How Beautiful You Are. HANDS DOWN the perfect encapsulation of the Cure in their psychedelic/pop/goth(ish) era. I still say the Top/Head on the Door/Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me trilogy beats all.

  740. Gino Galvez

    Too many to pick from but if forced I will have to pick Fascination Street. It is simply the best, the bass groove, the lyrics, the vocal inflections, the mood, it is truly one of their best singles of all time.

  741. Close to me, from Head on the Door. The hitched-breath anticipation of….just so so good.

  742. Well, one of my favs has to be “charlotte sometimes” simply because it’s so deep, dark and beautiful! If feels like a wash of cloud-laden autumn skies peering into my soul!

  743. shane madgett

    thanks for the opportunity.
    ok, the q: easy peasy, A FOREST!
    it’s hypnotic, and it just seemed to grab me from the get go (my first experience with it was on Standing on a beach: the singles.

    there’s loads of second places, Fascination St., Let’s go to Bed, Burn, The Big Hand. but, A Forest takes the prize by a long shot.

  744. Petr Ledvina

    Plainsong!!! Because plain song :)

  745. Boys Don’t Cry, because my love for the band started with this song, it was the first one I heard and it remains the first on the list of my favorite Cure songs. It is also perfect in its simplistic compisition and lyrics, and I love that it is so much more than it seems at the first casual listening.

  746. James Tolle

    I have to go with Where The Birds Always Sing. No other song captures so beautifully the very essence of what I want out of life than this does.

  747. “The Love Cats” is my all-time favorite. I imagine some people think of this is as a throwaway song, but to me, it’s the perfect combination of personality and pop. It’s extremely percussive and quirky. My current favorite thing, however, is watching Robert Smith sing “Babble” from the Disintegration stream from the Sydney Opera House where he’s screaming, “Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut Up!”

  748. High – It makes me high:)

  749. Michael Shea

    Fav Song – Close to Me
    Fun Band, great vocals.

  750. I would go with Charlotte Sometimes, its just so moody and beautiful

  751. Travis Kolesar

    So many choices

    Plainsong probably wins out because we used it as the processional for our wedding.

  752. Pictures of You. Just spend time on a 10 hr road trip and had that on repeat for almost an hour. Didn’t notice until I had to stop for gas. How many other band’s music can you say that about?

  753. And the contest is now closed. The winner will be drawn at random and contacted via email. Thanks so much to all who entered, and shared their thoughts and memories about their favorite Cure songs.

  754. Close to me. I love the hitched breath, the dread and desire of anticipation.

  755. Choosing THE favourite song by The Cure shows why they have been / are / will ever be my favourite band, my true musical love and the cherry on the top of great music in the past and present.
    I could easily choose 50 (or even more songs) by them to call them great, fantastic and favourite.
    But, with a gun at my head and after spending hours after hours being waterboarded I would choose “A forest”.

  756. Allen Rendel

    “Other Voices” – love the groove and skeletal sound of the recording.

  757. Clark Ghitis

    I’ll say “A Forest” I love the mood of the song and how it seems to build and build.

  758. Fascination Street is a wonderful song and great, sinister remix.

    [Contest end was Oct 25]. “All Cats Are Grey” is like a phrase from all cats … are grey in the dark – might be one of my fondest and most favourite tracks; the song is soulful and haunting and beautiful, it sounds like a blueprint for goth music to come and even many future tunes penned by The Cure members, and the song could be a missing cut from a soundtrack. Or a sad drama film.

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