Digital Music, Single News — August 14, 2012 at 7:10 am

Stream: Devo, ‘Don’t Roof Rack Me, Bro! (Seamus Unleashed)’ — song about Mitt Romney’s dog

Devo is about to dip its collective toes into this year’s presidential race as the quirky New Wave survivors later this month will release a song called “Don’t Roof Rack, Me Bro! (Remember Seamus)” — a track about Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s infamous 1983 road trip in which he transported the family dog from Massachusetts to Ontario in a kennel strapped to the roof of the family station wagon.

According to distributor The Orchard, the digital single will be released Aug. 25, featuring the cover art shown at left. The song comes as Devo founder and commercial director Gerald V. Casale launches the Remember Seamus campaign, which is designed to help “make 2012 the year where animals like Seamus are valued and honesty is praised.” The band also is backing Dogs Against Romney.

Casale also appears to be involved in “The Crate Escape: Seamus Unleashed,” a new mobile app/game for smartphones that, according to its Facebook page, “lets Seamus get revenge against his arch enemy Mitt Romney” and which is set for release on Aug. 26 — National Dog Day.


UPDATE 8/15/12: The song premiered today via Rolling Stone, and you can check it out below.  Casale told the rock magazine: “This isn’t a red-state thing or Devo stumping for Obama,” he says. “But I think any animal lover that hears the story will learn so much about the character flaw of Romney. It’s just a deal-breaker about the man. My God, the world is a scary place with seven billion people. What you want in a leader is a guy with some humanity at his core. I just don’t feel that Mitt does.”







  1. Cool song! First there was a book, now this, there’s also a seamus the dog online video game at

  2. Cute…Wonder if they will write a song about Obama eating dogs? Or is that just too disgusting and grotesque?

  3. Too bad we can’t get a song called “Don’t Eat Me, Bro”
    Obama eats dogs. A dog on the roof is worth more that a dog in the belly.

  4. SixStringZombie

    +1 Paul. Didn’t you know though…Obuma gets a free pass, can do no wrong. Everyone views him eating the dog in Indonesia as some cool cultural embrace. Leftists have very selective outrage. F Obuma….F Devo too.

  5. Really, Paul S. Did you even read Obama’s book? Obama ate dog while he was a kid in Indonesia. It’s not like he killed the dog himself, Romney abused his dog, plain and simple. Do you eat meat, or chicken? Do you consider someone who abuses animals worse than you eating meat. I do.

  6. Notch Johnson

    I grow tired of politics. Move along…

  7. @ Will Kilby: I’m no Romney fan and a vegetarian, but you saying he “abused” his dog by putting him in a carrier and SECURING him to the roof is complete nonsense. Back in the day I used to see people driving around with their dogs loose in the back of pickup trucks! What Romney did was a lot safer, and more humane, than what major airlines do with crated pets that travel. For the record, yeah I read Bonehead Barry’s book. My conclusion after reading it? He’s had quite a few radical and communist leaning people in his life along the way and we really don’t know who the guy truly is.

  8. I could care less about personal politics. However, if Devo is going to publicize their views on this ridiculous issue, I will skip one of the Florida dates I was planning to go to. After Duty Now For The Future they’ve kind of sucked anyway.

    • even if you dislike Romney, I agree totally. if they want to make a political song, fine. but the dog story is so trivial. yawn.

  9. Notch Johnson

    @mac: testify! The new stuff really does suck. They are a great touring band but personally I’d rather listen to Mark’s rug rat’s compositions than any record Devo has made since “oh no its devo”! Add to that interjecting yourself into a presidential election on either side and you lose me.

    This is a great site though and I enjoy reading it daily!

  10. I recently watched the trailer for the new DEVO doc. Are We Not Men? If the trailer is any indication of what the movie plans on covering, I’ll pass. Somehow it manages to be both smug and depressing at the same time, something I never thought DEVO would be guilty of. As far as their new stuff goes, I’ll take anything up until New Traditionalists.

  11. They should have instead done a song to honor Barack Obama’s dog victims: “Don’t eat me I’ll give you indigestion.”

  12. Yawn…DEVO used to be so good.
    Obama should “Roof Rack” his dog Biden.

  13. mr. baulden tymes

    Devo used to be the baldest band around. Now they are bland. Bald is rad. I am bald. POOF! now you are bald.

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