Digital Music — May 12, 2014 at 10:26 am

Check out Daniel Ash’s electro makeover of Love and Rockets’ 1989 hit ‘So Alive’

Daniel Ash Pledge Music

With just a few days left in his Pledge Music crowdfunding campaign, Daniel Ash has treated fans to the first taste of his forthcoming album Stripped, which will feature re-recorded selections from his catalog with Bauhaus, Love and Rockets and Tones on Tail. And the first track to emerge is Ash’s new electro take on Love and Rockets’ 1989 hit single “So Alive.”

You can stream the full track below — and revisit the original video.

Ash’s Pledge Music campaign has about five days left to go, and is still about 40 percent shy of its goal. The effort allows fans to pre-order the album in a variety of different formats with, depending on the level of payment, a number of different incentives, from vinyl records, old Love and Rockets stickers from 1987 and original Bubblemen artwork to — for $45,000 — Ash’s 1992 Heritage Softail HD motorcycle.

LINK: Daniel Ash ‘Stripped’ on Pledge Music


Daniel Ash, “So Alive” (2014)


Love and Rockets, “So Alive” (1989)






  1. That was painful.

  2. Well, it’s better than David J’s re-cover of Bela Lugosi’s Dead…

  3. an established artist who could surely get some kind of label backing instead begs his fans for money to produce an album and this is the result?
    A remix that could’ve been done in 1997?

  4. El Arreglardo

    Not surprsing he couldn’t get a label to support this.

  5. fear4the1000s

    To Quote ash from the link further down this news page :

    “No. No. No. I mean, no. … It’s boring for me to do those songs that are so old. … You’ve got to realize we’d been working in one capacity or another since 1979. That’s like a lifetime, you know. Time to move on.”


    • Good mirror you’re holding up. He is clearly not thinking about what he says and does.

    • Exactly. I’d love for him to get back on to a L&R sound and stop with the electronic stuff. Ash is a very talented person and he needs to act like it.

  6. Daniel, really? I had to stop it about 37 seconds into the song. You can’t go back…you can’t recreate it, you either move on, create new things, or find a hobby and retire. This is sad. You’re better than this, and you know it.

  7. Brent Dietiker

    Wow! Did’nt ex..pec..t Dan…I..el to sl..oooo…w it…do…wwwnnnnnnn. Kinda’ Gloomy in my opion.

  8. I don’t mind this version, I certainly would listen to it. As a Love & Rockets fan I was never particularly strong on this song to start with. It was great it broke the charts for the group but the rest of the album was better.

  9. WHY???

  10. 0:38. Stopped. Ears. Bleeding.
    Can’t believe it goes on for another 5+ minutes. Well good luck with this one pal. 61% of goal seems possible, keep selling your finger paintings because they’re a whole sh*load better. So Alive? So depressing.

  11. This is hardly what the word “Stripped” brings to mind. I was hoping for something more along the lines of acoustic guitar, not garage band. Wasn’t hoping this track would make the cut at all, actually.

  12. Richard Rider

    Diappointing. An acoustic version would’ve been so much better.


  13. I would have liked to contribute, but being out of work makes that impossible.

    I’ve long looked forward to some new solo work from Daniel, but wasn’t disappointed when he announced the idea of reworking older tunes in a more stripped-down variety.

    But this doesn’t sound like the direction I had envisioned. Regardless, I hope something comes of the efforts. I really do miss his work.

  14. He should have hired Youth to produce this. Or, bought some meth from Pete.

  15. Who thought So Alive could sound so blah.

  16. Jim Anderson

    This week I had SDOATW on rotation. So good.
    DA could be banging out some great riffs and he offers this…
    Really bad and painfully boring.

  17. Jason Wilbert

    Are things so bad between the band that Love and Rockets can’t squeeze out another record and tour festivals? It has to be more lucrative than rerecording past hits. What’s next? Britney Spears covers?

    Funny- My new neighbor was also playing early L & R this weekend. I was on my way over with a six pack until the music switched to Y & T.

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